This past Wednesday we celebrated Noah's 2nd birthday! The Sunday before it we celebrated with family and friends at his birthday party. Up until recently, our Noah has been a little weary of big crowds and loud noises, so I wasn't exactly sure how he was going to react to being the center of attention. Well I've gotta tell you, what I saw from our big 2 year old was pure JOY. The JOY that radiates from that child is contagious to anyone he comes into contact with. If it's at Target shopping with mom or running around the farm with the kids, there is something different about that little guy. Our little miracle boy gives off and knows a JOY so lovely, so perfect I pray that as he grows older this sometimes difficult and cruel world doesn't steal that away from him. His friends and family just want to be around him. He is a light in all of our eyes and reminds me of all that is still good in this world.
The next biggest example of JOY going on these days has to be the JOY seen in the faces of all those following our dear Holy Father's journey around the United States. Being a Catholic I am overjoyed at his trip here and love to hear him speak and be encouraged by what he has to say. But I am far more impressed by how those that are not Catholic are responding to his visit. Pope Francis is by far the greatest example of JOY going on today. Kissing babies, loving on the poor, encouraging the religious and non-religious alike, and doing it all with a smile on his face and peace in his heart. Pope Francis is JOY personified and anyone and everyone who finds themselves in his presence can't help but catch the bug! His JOY, the JOY of Christ, is contagious!
Speaking of the JOY of being in the presence of the Holy Father, did you see this article about John Boehner? If you saw any coverage of the Pope's speech to congress you couldn't miss the grown man crying in the background. Today, after being asked by the Pope to pray for him and having an obvious moment of conversion and perspective, he announced his retirement from Congress. Did you see the JOY and PEACE in his face? Gosh, I just love Holy Spirit moments like that!!!! I'll be honest, I'm not always great at following politics, and I don't really know much about Mr. Boehner, but I do believe the world watched Christ move in this man's life through the Holy Father and that my friends is a beautiful thing.
I belong to MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) and twice a month I gather with other to pray and converse and build each other up. This year the theme for MOPS is "A Fierce Floursing." There are 3 components to this theme; Celebrate Lavishly, Embracing Rest, and Noticing Goodness.
As a mom who hasn't slept much in 9 months, I'm good at the Embracing Rest component. I embrace rest every time I can with two little ones. But yesterday we talked about Celebrating Lavishly. The speakers spoke about celebrating life in tangible and intangible ways. About filling others cups and letting your cup be filled. Celebrating life's little moments and not just the big. I'm good at big celebrations! I love to do holidays and birthdays to the full capacity, but what really struck a chord in me as I sat there was that word JOY that has been stewing inside of me for a few days now. I began to think about how I celebrate the little stuff. What kind of JOY am I bringing to my house and to my family members. How am I finding joy in the mundane and every day moments? And I'll be honest, especially lately, I'm not sure I have been. It's easier for me to focus on the fact that I'm tired, the kids are fussy, and the fact that I need just one more cup of coffee before I can function. Ouch. I don't feel so good about that. So I'm trying. I'm trying to bring JOY into my house again even at 4:30 in the morning and my two year old can't sleep. I'm trying to bring JOY to the dinner table when no one wants to eat and food inevitably ends up all over the floor to be swept...again. I'm trying to find JOY in the fatigue of the day to day. Will you pray for me?
This kid....pure JOY. And what makes him so JOYful these days you ask??? Standing up. Anywhere and on anything.
A little musical interlude.....
My prayer for all of you this week is that you find JOY in the little things. I'm praying for those who will be gathering in Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families. I am certain there will be immense JOY coming home from my friends that are on their way right now! God Bless you All!!