Friday, April 21, 2017

7 Random Thoughts...(none of which are very serious...)

Hi y'all! It's been a long time since I blogged Friday Quick Takes, but today I had so many random thoughts running around my head and miss just light hearted blogging some time....and probably post way too much on Facebook these days! So here they are...7 Random Thoughts


You guys, I'm gonna start off with something that's super exciting in my life! A friend from my MOPS group invited me at the end of March to join a Minimalism Challenge that she has been a part of.  It goes like this...on April 1st you give away/donate/trash 1 item.  On April 2nd...2 on and so forth.  So by the end of April you will have gotten rid of almost 500 unnecessary items from your home!  Doesn't that sound like so much??  It isn't!  I cannot believe that on Day 21 I am gearing up for a second month already!  It is amazing the things we hold on to that we don't need.  It's almost been a month, and I am starting to notice little differences in our home.  An added bonus is that it's trickling into other areas of my life. I'm buying less groceries, using leftovers more efficiently, and really analyzing what I buy for my kids.  We are going to the library more and buying new books less.  It's really impacted my life.

Want to see some of my progress? Check out these pictures below.

Want to hear more about it?  Get in on the fun? Let me know!!


If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you probably know that I accidentally stumbled into a little crafting business/ministry.  I made a frame rosary that I had seen somewhere  on the internets and decided to post it on my pages because I really LOVED how it turned out!  Suddenly I had people asking if I would make one for them! In less than a couple of weeks I have made 10 of them! The extra money coming in has really blessed our family, but the extra prayers and knowing that others are praying have blessed me even more! My friend Mary can't stop telling me about how it's blessed her family to be able to pray a rosary together! Her kids love moving the beads and it's made praying a decade a day no big deal!   Tom and I have also been praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy together each night.  Praying together isn't something that has always been easy for us, or came naturally, but this little "tool" seems to have made it easier for us!

Even our cat is enjoying family prayer time!


Greenfield Village is open once again!!  I think it's one of my top favorite places in the world! I love taking the boys there! Always something new to explore. :) This year so many of our besties got passes too! I think it's going to be a great summer!  What a great little gem in our back yard!!


Noah being all boy, completely a threenager, and having a mild Sensory Processing Disorder, sometimes we have our lovely "therapy" sessions at the kitchen...on the trampoline.  (Who doesn't keep a trampoline in their kitchen?)


So this happened tonight!! I love it!! Remembering why we had children....bring on the chores!


On Tuesday I'm having another birthday....the 38th one if you're wondering.  And I'm honestly not one of those people who cares if people know my age or gets upset over birthdays and growing older...but 38 is kind of bothering me.  So when an opportunity for me to get away with a group of Catholic artisans came up I decided to go! So next Friday I will be leaving for the weekend to hang out on Lake Michigan with some awesome women drinking coffee, sipping wine, taking walks, crafting, and just being one of the girls! I am really looking forward to getting away and I cannot be more thankful for my awesome husband gifting me this opportunity for my birthday! He's a keeper!  I am looking forward to coming back refreshed as a wife and mother and also meeting some new friends and making some new crafts!


This weekend we are getting a new place set for the boys! I am super excited! We've been wanting to get one and then someone kindly gifted it to us! The boys are going to be so excited!!  Pictures to follow I'm sure! :)

Get out there and enjoy the weekend! We are looking forward to another weekend outside and celebrating my birthday buddy's 3rd birthday too!! 

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