Friday, June 21, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 16 (A BIG sigh of RELIEF!!)

Happy Friday, y'all!!  I am sitting here with my hubby as he works on his laptop and I on mine and we were just discussing the good moods we both find ourselves in!  I will explain why that is besides the fact that it's a beautiful day outside with the sun shining!


Many of you know this, and many of you do not, but last Friday (the day after my surgery) we had a little scare when I began to leak what we felt was a substantial amount of fluid.  We ended up back at Oakwood where they preliminarily thought I was leaking amniotic fluid.  You can imagine the fear and dread that ensued.  We also were able to get no more answers because it was the weekend. (Our only gripe with Oakwood Hospital so far...)  Anyways, come Monday morning, we were back at the doctors (multiple doctors and multiple ultrasounds) and from what everyone can see it didn't appear that I was leaking fluid and that the baby was doing fine! (BIG sigh of relief....)  We went back this morning and everyone continues to look good.  We are hoping this was just a little bump in the road and my doctor promises to buy me a drink when I deliver a healthy baby in just under 6 more months.  In the meantime, lots of rest, lots of ultrasounds, and lots of prayers...


When above drama ensued we were out at my parents' place near Jackson looking forward to celebrating Father's Day with my dad and Tom.  Needless to say those plans were quickly put on hold.  We are having a redo tonight!  I felt really bad because my husband's birthday plans also got put on hold when I was on bed rest during my last pregnancy.  Poor guy!  Next year we are really going to have to have some big celebrations!!  All he wanted for Father's Day was a wheelbarrow which happens to still be at the store.  He is a patient man, thankfully.


Although my love for fruit these days hasn't dwindled, the craving this week BIG TIME is Doritos!  In fact, I panicked a little when my husband decided to help himself to MY bag for lunch today!  Apparently he doesn't know the rules!


Every Friday is our trash day.  It makes me feel proud that each week we only throw out about 1 large bag of garbage.  What REALLY makes me feel proud is that our recycling bin is almost always full to the brim.  I will be honest when I say I am not always in the "green" frame of mind, but when I recycle I do feel like I am doing my part in my small corner of the world.


Wednesday was a really bad day for me...just one of those bump in the high risk pregnancy road kind of days.  One reason I was really sad is that my doctors suggested we cancel our highly anticipated vacation to Mackinac Island.  They would prefer I stay local for the next bit.  Now, I totally understand their reasoning and quite frankly I don't like being too far away from them these days either, but I am REALLY BUMMED.  :( 


In an effort to make the best of the situation, we are trying to find something to do for our anniversary that it is a little more local.  Anyone have any ideas that we could look into that are an hour or less away from Dearborn?  We are having trouble thinking of something.  Please keep in my that I have limited activity levels so no hiking or water parks.  We would love something near water perhaps?  Anyways, any suggestions you have will be appreciated!


My husband and I are sitting here having a burping contest...taking advantage of those extra gassy bellies you get when you are pregnant!  So far I am winning.. :)


  1. I am so happy to hear about your doctor's appointment. We have been storming heaven! I wondered if your trip might be canceled, what a bummer! This is a strange idea, but the husband and I went for a get-away night to the Henry right in Dearborn. I am not sure if you have stayed there, but I thought it was just super fancy and nice. I am freak for hotels though, so it might have just been me. But think about it. A pool, air conditioning, fancy place, and lots of restaurants right there. A little fun stay-cation next to home. I was just telling Aaron that The Henry is probably my favorite in the area (and due to my love of hotels, we stay local hotels a lot for get aways). :)

    1. That's definitely an idea! We thought about going back to the Dearborn Inn where we went on our honeymoon. :)

  2. So sorry about your trip, but glad to hear baby is just fine. I'm no help with local getaway ideas, but if you're looking for a nice dinner and have never been, I highly recommend The Melting Pot.

    Unfortunately for me, my husband doesn't like it, so I only get to go when its to celebrate ME and he doesn't get any input :)

    1. I've heard The Melting Pot is really good! Maybe we will have to give it a try. :)
