Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Quick Takes:Oh January...

Noah just cried through tummy time so he is enjoying the good life sleeping in his boppy next to mommy on the couch.  Mommy is enjoying a cup of joe and gonna try and get these quick takes in before he goes nothing!


I would like to go on record and say back in the summer when we had this crazy weather I kept saying, "I think it's going to be a bad winter."  Well, so far, I think my prophetic ideas were true.  It's been a snowy, cold winter so far.  In fact, yesterday I went out to Ann Arbor to see a friend for coffee and take Noah to Tom's work to meet everyone.  I checked the weather before I left and it said snow later that night.  Well, half way through my coffee date it started snowing like crazy.  In an effort to look "cute" I had donned my favorite flats for the day.  Well, it kept snowing, snowing, and snowing....I don't know if it's being a mom and driving with your child or I am getting old, but I started to have anxiety BIG time.  I have driven in the snow a million times.  I hate when people flip out because of the snow.  (Hello? It's Michigan...) But I was that person yesterday.  Not only did I have on inappropriate shoes,  not enough gas in my tank, and a cute little passenger in my back seat.  Needless to say, we made it home just fine.  Mom took it slow and steady.  But it's hard when you carry precious cargo.  Makes you think twice about things.


So, I have told you that our dear son doesn't sleep well.  He also was having some reflux issues, which thankfully we got some medication for.  BUT we also figured out that I cannot drink caffeine because that also causes him to have reflux.  So enter sleep deprived momma, decaf coffee, and well....need I say more? The things we do for our children.


I am kind of flipping out about how bad the flu is this year! I know half of it is probably media frenzy and thankfully Tom and I both got the flu shot this year and because of my breast milk, Noah has some immunity as well, but I am still freaking out!  I think Noah and I will be a little more careful in our adventures out of the house for a bit.  That's scary stuff!


This week, after about a month and a half hiatus we finally got our new dish washer!  I cannot tell you how happy I am to not have to be the sole dishwasher in this house! Between Noah's bottles and pumping bottles and such my poor hands were suffering.  (I don't really feel that sorry for me.) But alas, our little dishwasher was installed on Tuesday and this mom is rejoicing!  Today Lowe's is coming to fix our leaky freezer. 


Ever since Noah has come home and things have settled down I have been thinking a lot about our first son, Jackson.  I look at his picture on the shelf in our living room and think about what he would look like today and what he would be up to.  The fact that we got pregnant so quickly after losing Jackson  and then had a crazy pregnancy with Noah didn't allow me to fully grieve losing our child.  I realize this now.  So Wednesday night I went to my grief support group for parents who have lost an infant.  It was so nice to be with a group of women who are unfortunately bound together by tragedy, but who understand each other completely.  We cried together, laughed together, and complained together.  It is so nice to have this group to reach out to when I have rough days or need to share how I am feeling. 


In less than 3 weeks we are taking Noah to Florida to visit with my parents.  Can't wait to get out of the cold for a week!  (Trying not to think about the germs on the plane...ugh, didn't think about that.) But those of you who are seasoned veterans with flying with infants/children...what are your tips? What should we bring, not bring, do, not do?  Thankfully it's a direct flight with no stops and we plan to gate check his stroller and check his car seat.  We will also be packing our ErgoBaby so we can strap the little guy in, but any other tips you might have we would greatly appreciate!


I have, and probably always will be, a procrastinator.  Especially if it comes to something confrontational or unpleasant.  But one of my New Year's resolutions is to be better about that.  To deal with things when they occur so they aren't hanging over me.  It's funny, when I take care of them I feel so much better and could've saved myself a lot of worry and angst, but I still procrastinate making those phone calls or whatever else it is.  I hope to improve. 

Well, happy weekend to you all!!  Thankfully, it's kind of a quiet one here for us!  Enjoy the "warm spell" before the freeze! 

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