Friday, January 31, 2014

7 Quick Takes: NO MORE SNOW!!!!


No intro today...the title says it all! Snowiest month in Michigan...ever.  Stuck at home with a newborn. Oh and to make matters worse it's been pretty much bitter cold outside.  Except it's 32.  It's like a heat wave.  But tomorrow...6-8 more inches, and by next Wednesday possibly up to 12 inches total.  ENOUGH ALREADY! This is Michigan, not the tundra, to even Minnesota.  We like a little winter, but this is ridiculous!  Rant over....

One positive least it's prettier than the ugly gray and mud colors below it?


So although I am committed to being a stay at home mom, I also feel the need to get out there and do something.  On New Year's Eve, since we weren't out partying, Tom and I sat down and made our goals for the year.  We looked at many aspects of our lives: spiritual, financial, health, and career.  I started to realize that I really don't want to be a teacher any more.  It was a wonderful 11 years, but I burnt myself out.  Plus, I don't want to return full time, especially while Noah is still little.  I began to think that something I love to do is talk.  (Shocker, right?) But what I mean is God has blessed me with the ability to get in front of large groups of people and talk/sing.  In fact, I get a natural high from it.  I love getting up and encouraging others and sharing my life story.  I've had a few opportunities to do so and seriously want to get more involved, somehow, some way with public speaking.  I am beginning to think it's a new passion of mine.  Or maybe has always been a passion that I haven't explored.  I also am taking a class at the end of the month on doing voice overs and today will be submitting a 30 sec tape to a friend of a friend to possibly record some educational tapes for her company!  I am so excited! I know it's the very beginning, and honestly I don't know exactly how to pursue this dream, but I am excited nonetheless.  So I thought I would tell all of you in case you have any tips, ideas, or what not?  We will see how this all unfolds, but I am hoping new and exciting things are on their way!


"It's always something..." This phrase has come up in 2 conversations in the past 24 hours.  With kids, it's always something.  Just when you figure out their sleep schedule, they begin to not eat properly.  Just when you clear up that stuffy nose, you find out you both have thrush. (Yeah, true story here at the homestead.) We were saying that's how it is for a mom.  Teething, struggling in school, dating the wrong's always something.  Us moms become professional worriers when it comes to our kids.  Are they developing properly? Am I spoiling them? Are they eating properly?  It goes on and on....I guess welcome to the adventure.  I hear even when your kids are grown and out of the house it's still "always something."  No wonder my gray hairs have increased greatly in the past year. 


We are going to Florida next week. (Unless the impending snow storm screws it up...) I can't wait!! Bring on the warm temps and sunshine!!!


It's like Christmas all over again here!  Our little Noah is in the next size of clothes! Every day I put on a new outfit that he hasn't warn yet.  He is one stylish little guy!  Well loved indeed!  It is kind of sad however saying good bye to some of his first outfits.  It's hard to believe how much he's grown in the 2 months that he has been home.  Last weigh in was 8lbs 2 oz....up from 2 lbs 4 oz at birth!!  He's a heavy weight!


I read this article today.  "Let Your Husband Love You" I really loved it and it resonated with something I am struggling with lately...most of my life actually.  But let me back up first and tell you about my friend, who happens to be a therapist, who got on my case lately for all the negative talk I have been doing about my body.  All the bad names I have been calling myself.  It got so bad that she makes me text her once a day and tell her something good about my body.  Such as...I am able to provide nourishment for my son, have a strong immunity, a nice on and so forth.  I cannot tell you what a struggle the first few days were.  I seriously couldn't think of one nice thing to say about my body.  The first day it took me 8 hours to come up with something.  And I thought it was silly at first, and only half serious, but I realized that how I feel about my body and myself impacts all that I do.  And if I have such a negative attitude about it then I treat it negatively....enter weight gain and diet struggles.  So this week I have been sending her a text each day and slowly it's getting easier.  And I've noticed my eating is getting better too.  I am beginning to find some value in my body despite my struggles with it.  Now back to the article...that got me thinking after reading it, it's so important to love yourself so that you can be loved.  If we don't love and respect ourselves, then it's very easy to shut our husbands out.  Who wants to get intimate with a man when you haven't showered in 2 days and your love handles have become rubber tires? I have to remember that my husband loves ME.  Yes, he wants me healthy and happy, but that extra 5 pounds doesn't make him turn his head or run away with disgust.  And as exhausting as being a mother can be...and dirty (like when Noah spit up a ridiculous amount of guck down my cleavage at 6 am this morning...) it's sometimes when we are in the trenches that our husbands find us most appealing.  (Crazy men!!) So I am working on loving me.  I am hoping it continues to make a difference in my health and my marriage.


It's tulip season again!!  I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! I won a pot of them at a shower last weekend.  They make me smile every day!

Get those shovels ready folks!! 6-8 more inches tomorrow!!

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