Friday, April 12, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 8

TGIF!!  I wish I could tell you all that the sun is shining and spring is on it's way, but quite frankly, the weather sucks here in Michigan currently.  It seems we may miss spring in it's entirety this year.  The forecast for the next week doesn't look any better, so hopefully this blog will bring you a little sunshine and hope for the week to come!  12 days til I head to Florida and I CANNOT WAIT!!!


So, something that has made this week a little more exciting for us is we got a Wii this past weekend! No it's not a WiiU, it's just the basic old Wii.  (So 2009, right?)  BUT We LOVE it!  It has been so fun!  It has been a great tool to help us both get more active.  And my husband, who says he bought it for me, is enjoying almost more than I am.  He'll even dance with me to Just Dance to help me out!  We both lack coordination, but we have a lot of fun and laughs....just what we need!


I remember reading for years that women should lose the weight earlier in life than later because your metabolism slows down...well, I think that's true!  I have been working really hard these last few weeks and the weight loss is slow....really slow.  I know that they say that "slow and steady wins the race," but come on!  Throw me a bone here! I bought an ActivityLink from Weight Watcher that monitors my activity level for a week and then gives me goals to get more active!  I am hoping that will be the boost I need.  Fighting depression hasn't made that any easier, but I am fighting each day to get up off the couch!


Remember in the 80's/90's when we all wore neon colors? Have you seen some of the pictures?  Slouchy socks, scrunchies, bike pants...all neon.  Yes, I have seen the pictures too, which makes me wonder why again in the year 2013 I am once again loving all things neon!  Maybe I need some bright and cheerful colors in my life, but I seriously can't get enough of those vibrant colors!  Hopefully, my neon is a little more refined and subtle, but it's all neon nonetheless.


I have to tell you about the best thing I cooked this week!!  My husband and I were both drooling at the dinner table!  And it's a Weight Watcher's recipe!  Go to the deli, get some prosciutto. (6-8 thinly sliced slices) Then cut each slice in half long ways.  Wrap each piece around an asparagus spear.  Then on a flat griddle pan, sprayed with Pam spray, cook about 10 minutes until prosciutto is nice and crispy!  SO GOOD!!!  Weight Watchers...about one point per spear and worth every point!


This week I received 4-5 cards in the mail.  Have I ever told you how much I love to get snail mail?  Of course I hate to get the bills that arrive, especially the countless medical bills we are dealing with currently, but when I see a hand addressed card from someone it brightens up my whole day! 


Speaking of cards, yesterday I went to the Hallmark store.  I honestly don't know if there is a better place than the Hallmark store.  I love cards!  My mom and I used to go the local Hallmark and read cards forever!  We would laugh out loud at the funny ones and even give each other cards in the store.  My mom was good about giving cards and passed that love on to me!  I wish cards weren't so darn expensive these days, but I sure love giving and getting them still!  "Hallmark, When you care to send your very best!"


One reason I have received so many cards of late is that a lot of my friends know that this coming Monday, April 15, is not just tax day, but it's also my son, Jackson's, due date.  It's been really hard for me.  Several friends of mine on Facebook have had children in the last 2 weeks and I am so happy for them and so sad for myself.  I just can't shake the thought, "That that should be me. I should be posting happy picture of my son's arrival."  But alas, it's not.  Only God knows why that is, but it's definitely a time of great struggle for my husband and I.  We are having a Mass offered in his honor on Monday at our church and I am planning on visiting the cemetery for the first time, but it's not enough.  My arms still remain empty and a hole remains in my heart.  So my friends, I ask for your prayers over these next few days.  We are trying to keep our spirits up and heads held high, but it's a struggle and a conscious effort.  We love you sweet baby boy!


  1. Love the comeback of neon. Like, LOVE.
    So many prayers for you guys on Monday (but also before and beyond). Social network is so fantastic, but man, when grieving, it can be like constant daggers huh? I do love knowing that Jackson and Jesus will be praying for you and Tom in a special way on Monday.

  2. Hmmm, now we see a difference in personality and perhaps age. I am NOT digging the neon. I remember the atrociousness from the first time around too well. Perhaps it is a coloring thing too. Who knows.

    Um, I demand video of the Wii escapades, please. See? My demands are polite.

    I love you. That is all. I hate that I can't make it all better. So, maybe that wasn't all.
