Saturday, April 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 10 (A day late from Florida)

Greetings everyone from sunny Florida!  After counting down the days til I arrived I am finally here.  It's been glorious weather and a nice break from the crappy Michigan weather. 

So here we go...7 Quick Takes: The Florida Edition


I am going to start off by saying that as good of a time I am having and as wonderful as it is to be in Florida visiting my parents, I really, really miss my husband.  (And I think despite what he might say, he misses me too!)  I like him.  A whole lot.  He's been my rock these past few months especially and it's been kind of hard being away from him.  We learned how much we need each other with losing our son and what being married is really about.  So anyways, I miss him.  Enjoying Florida, but can't wait to be back with my best buddy on Tuesday. 


Today I have to give a shout out to Dramamine.  Being a sufferer of motion sickness flying would be nearly impossible without it!  I am thankful I had it this time, but I am equally thankful that I had the whole seat to myself.  I stretched out and relaxed the whole way here! It was a good flight!  Here's hoping the same on the return!


Did I mention that I am in Florida and it's hot!!  Really hot! And therefore if you are not in the air conditioning you better be at the pool!  I have really enjoyed swimming these past few days!  My mom will tell you that I loved the water since I was a little girl.  It's a good exercise regiment for me too!  I have to figure out whose pools to crash this summer! 


One of our other favorite things to do while in Florida is scouting alligators.  When we were on the boat the other day we saw at least 12!  One was super large and hissing at us!  Alligators scare the heck out of me and yet intrigue me.  They are definitely one of God's interesting creatures.  I don't need to meet them too close though.


Last Sunday, TRC had Al Kresta come and speak!  Al did not disappoint.  While there we purchased his 3 books.  I have been reading "Moments of Grace" by Al Kresta and Nick Thomm.  It's a compilation of interviews Al has had over the years.  There are a lot of conversion stories and snippets of faith.  It has taken me back to my story.  It reminded me of all that God did in my life and is continuing to do!  It is a reminder to me that we are constantly called to conversion in our lives. Just when we get a little lukewarm, God comes in and reminds us to let Him in.  Anyways, I highly recommend it.


This age in which we live is scary for sure.  With the recent terror attacks in Boston, the economy in the dumps, and liberal morals making a stamp on our society it's easy for me to get scared or worry about our future.  But there are some things that I am glad in this time and age I get to live.  I am thankful that there hasn't been a time in history that we can get the medical care that we do.  Although my Jackson only lived 4 days, he wouldn't have lived 4 minutes at another time.  With these medical advances, the chances of us having a successful future pregnancy is very, very good.  I am thankful also for the technology of this era.  In fact, just a few minutes ago I was able to FaceTime with my husband who is 1000 miles away from me.  He was able to show me the project he was working on and I got to see his smiling face too!  I love Facebook and Pinterest!  I think technology has it's faults, but I also think it brings a lot of joy into my life as well.  So I am choosing to be happy and positive in this age of fear and turmoil.

This Thursday I turned 34.   It was a nice day spent with my parents and a few of their close friends!  34 feels old to me, but being in a retirement village I am reminded just how much living I have left to do.  I think this is going to be a good year for me!  I know God's not done with me yet!  I am looking forward to all the good things He has in store for my family in the year to come!

1 comment:

  1. It is so awful being away from husbands. So so awful. especially if we like them.
