Friday, April 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes-Take 9

Good morning dear friends!  If you are reading this from Michigan you are in no doubt dreading another rainy day!  Will it ever end??  April showers bring May flowers, but this is ridiculous!  I have considered building an ark more than once this week.


Speaking of rain...I really detest thunderstorms, rain, the whole gamete.  Good friends of mine know I practically have a break down if I get stuck in the rain and get soaking (or even slightly) wet.  I hate it!  I never go on the water rides at Cedar Pointe for the same reason.  My fear of thunderstorms however I think started when I belonged to an evangelical church that often spoke of the 2nd coming.  The Rapture that is!  Every time it thunderstorms I swore that this was it! (And why was I still here??)  I have come to mature in my faith since then, but I still get a little freaked out with thunderstorms.


On to May flowers, yesterday I looked out in our yard (previous owners owned a landscaping company so it's full of foliage) and surprisingly there were some daffodils blooming!  They were lovely and made me smile!  My hope is to one day plant tulips and daffodils so that I can enjoy watching them bloom in the spring!  You can take your roses (we have 3 bushes) I will take my tulips any day! 


Tonight, Tom and I are going to see my niece Morgan in a play at my alma mater!  She's just 9 years old, but has acted in the past 2 plays at the high school.  I am so glad she has her aunt's love of the theater.  I enjoy watching her embrace it just as I did when I was a young girl.  Break a leg, Morgan!


Monday was our Jackson's actual due date.  Believe it or not, the day ended up being quite peaceful. (Which I understand is a phenomenon with this grief.  The days leading up to it are far worse than the actual date.)  We started the morning off at a Mass being offered in his honor, then Tom went to work and I went to the cemetery for the first time.  I wanted to go alone.  I spent some time talking with my son, although I talk to him all the time.  I came home and an old friend stopped by with a lovely memorial for our son and soon after flowers arrived.  It was a peaceful, wonderful day.  I realize that although there isn't a day that goes by that I don't ache to have my son here with us, the impact he has made on my life and other's lives is eternal.  His presence is always with me.  I know he is interceding for us from above and taking the prayers of his father and I straight to the throne of God.


I met with my spiritual director yesterday and it was such a blessing!  He gave me some wonderful ideas on how to grow spiritually and give purpose to my struggles currently.  I am thankful for his willingness to shepherd his flock and help me become the woman in Christ I am called to be. 


Yesterday we had our first official spring meal....chicken sausage, homemade sweet potato fries, and the sign of spring....corn on the cob!!  I love summer eating!  Lots of veggies and light tasty meals!  Believe it or not, the Bauers do not own a BBQ.  This of course will be one of our first purchases this summer!  There is nothing better than food on the BBQ!  Bratwurst, hot dogs, and hamburgers! Oh my!!


In just a few days I will be turning 34.  33 didn't seem that old, but 34 seems really old to me.  I looked in the mirror recently and I swear I started to see wrinkles on my face.  I know it's just a number, but this seems like a hurdle.  Closing in on that 35 mark which will make me soon 40!  I don't feel almost 40.  I think I still feel 25.  Something tells me though that my 34th year is going to be a good one.  So I will hold onto that thought and try not to dwell on the fact that I am indeed getting old.

Heading to Florida in just a few days!  Fun in the sun here I come!  Have a lovely weekend all!

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