Friday, April 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 7

If you live in Michigan your days have undoubtedly got a little brighter as spring has finally decided to show herself and hopefully the sun rays have hit your face a time or two in the last few days.  Quick takes were on hiatus for Good Friday, but I am back!  Here we go....


On Holy Saturday my husband and I celebrated 2 years together!  Two years since he asked me out on our first date.  Can you believe it's only been two years??  Wow!  What a whirlwind of two years! In hind sight that seems so short, and yet, I can't remember life without my hubby these days!  We've learned a lot about love, life, and each other in these two short years.  I can't wait to see what the next 2 hundred years have to hold for us.
Our first picture as an official couple.  :)


 On Easter, I made my first official Easter dinner.  Ham, cheesy potatoes, grape salad, and a trifle.  It was wonderful!  I really rocked it out using my grandmother's famous ham recipe.  One small...err, BIG...problem.  I cooked for 10 people instead of 2.  Let's just say we enjoyed that meal for days to come. 


Speaking of food, Easter dinner set me off on my love of cooking once again.  I had been in a slump this winter, for a variety of reasons, and this week I found my love of cooking once again!  I have enjoyed cooking new meals for the hubster and I and remembered how much I enjoy cooking.  Homemade split pea soup, banana ice cream, and a wonderful and fresh Mexican orzo dish!  I actually get excited about cooking!  Perhaps one day this will wear off, but I love trying out new recipes and growing as a cook.  We love trying and critiquing new dishes!  Yum!


The problem with loving loves me back...especially my belly and butt!  So, now that I am feeling a little out of the fog, I have gotten serious about losing weight!  I have enjoyed walking outside and getting back to Weight Watchers.  (For real this time....)  I am going with a great friend which helps with accountability and makes it fun!  This week I am happy to report that I lost 5 lbs!  Woo hoo!!  It was just the kick start that I needed to get back on track!  I am hoping to keep it up and get back to where I am feeling healthy and happy.  It's been a challenge, but I am doing it!


When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago they said I was low in vitamin D.  Why you ask?  Because we live in Michigan!  So I can't wait to head to Florida in just 19 days to get a large dose of Vitamin D and some hugs from my parents too!  I was talking to them this morning and they wanted to know my plans...basically I said sun.  Do you know what looks better than white fat?  Tan fat!!  I know, I's not good for you, but I love a good tan!  AND it's just what the doctor ordered! ;)


Do the rest of you hate your clothes this time of year?  I do.  I have a closet and dresser full of clothes and I just sit and stare at my clothes in detest.  I am done with winter and ready for spring and yet, despite the sun shining, it's still a little cool outside.  Third world problems....I know...but I still am ready for sandals, capris, and some bright colors.  Maybe when I lose a few more pounds I will reward myself with some cute spring pieces!


Every day, my cat, jumps at the window and scares the heck out of the mail lady.  It's mortifying really.  The funny thing about this is A) she really is a scardy cat and is afraid of everyone and B) when I apologized profusely to the mail lady one day, she stated,  "It used to scare me, but now I am used to it."  Oi vay!  So embarrassing, but I do have to say, it makes me laugh every time.  When we have the screen in she clamps on like a real psycho!  I do not know what gets into her!

Well people, it's's supposed to rain all next week, so get out there this weekend and enjoy the sunshine and mild temps!!  Until next time....

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