Friday, March 13, 2015

7 Quick Takes: Nap Time Musings

I'm typing on borrowed time and hoping that Jonah sleeps long enough that I can get these out before he wakes and wants to eat.  So let's skip the fluff and get right to the important fluff. ;)


Why do I only care about meat on Lenten Fridays???  Enough said about that.



We have officially entered toddlerhood here at our house.  And although many aspects of toddlerhood are frustrating, I gotta tell you that the number one frustrating thing for me is meal time.  Just because Noah liked something yesterday doesn't hold any guarantees for today.  And some days he will eat if he can do it himself, sometimes he'll eat the sandwich if it's not in pieces and sometimes he wants pieces.  Wednesday he ate eggs like it was his job.  Today they were repulsive (Guess what mommy had for lunch?)  Oh and when he doesn't like something he chooses two paths....spit it out or throw it on the floor.  Did I mention I need a dog??  Anyways, I hope this is a toddler thing and not a vision of things to come. 


An awesome and glorious thing happened this week....despite it being the week we all adjust to Daylight Savings Time (which might be going away??) Jonah started sleeping from 9:30-4:30 roughly.  Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting so close.  I've never been a night person.  I'm really not good at the middle of the night stuff, so this is an answer to prayer.  After a really bad night earlier this week, I prayed as I was going to bed, "Please Lord, just give me a little break tonight.  I really need to sleep."  Do you know that was the first night Jonah did his 7 hour stretch and so did I?  God is so good like that.  Even to a schmuck like me. 


People who tell me not to worry about my house right now make me want to punch them.  Hard.  The past 2 days I've been striving to clean and it is just so difficult with a nursing baby and busy toddler.  Yes, I know they are the priority and I try to keep it that way, but we cannot survive without clean dishes, clothes, and a vacuumed floor.  And just when I get things picked up and to a place I can breathe....BAM!!...the next day it feels like we are at square one.  I am so frustrated right now with this aspect of my life.  I want one day with no kids to just clean every room of my house.  To open the windows, smell the Pine Sol, and pitch a few garbage bags of stuff.  Is that too much to ask for??


We are trying the fish fry circuit this year in an attempt to get out of the house and be with others.  It seems like the Catholic thing to do and my kids seriously love getting out with too.  Tonight we are returning to my roots and trying the fish out at St. Genevieve where I taught for 11 years.  Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and introducing my boys to them. 

Do you want to know the funniest part of all of this? I'm allergic to fish.  All fish.  So I usually get stuck with the kids mac n cheese or pizza.  Oh well, it's worth it.


This week I ventured to both the Henry Ford Museum and the Detroit Zoo solo with the boys.  I was really proud of myself.  My Noah loves seeing other kids and being out and about (he gets that from his mom) and my sweet Jonah sleeps like a champ on such adventures.  I was really proud of myself both days.  It's not easy traveling with 2 under 2, and quite honestly it would be easier not to go, but go we did and you know what?  We survived...and not only did we survive, but we had a great time!  I've learned about taking my time, not caring about what others think, and that people are really helpful.  I grow in confidence with each adventure and am looking forward to a spring and summer full of little adventures.  I love that I can be home with my boys.  The joy on Noah's face both days made it so worth it!  My life may be simple for some, but for me it's just perfect.


Today is the 2nd anniversary of Pope Francis's election as our Holy Father.  I love that man.  I think his spirituality and mine are perfectly aligned.  I love his realistic approach to our faith and yet his conservative nature.  He's a man's man and yet such a holy man of God.  I love how he's shaking up the secular media and conservative Catholics alike!  Rock on, Papa!

And with that I'm done! Jonah's still asleep and I might even sneak a cup of coffee in real quick!  Have a great weekend everyone!

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