Friday, March 6, 2015

7 Quick Takes:Change

Eleven months ago I wrote my last post on here  I gotta be honest....I've missed it terribly. The thing is, I love to blog, but as me and my friends ruin everything.  Well, they don't ruin them of course, but they change things.  Big Time.  And so 11 months later, a new addition to our family, and a lot of changes here I am attempting to blog. Jonah is fed and in his swing and Noah is watching Curious George while eating his snack.  (No judgments)


Well since I've wrote a miracle of God has occurred.  I have almost started liking doing the dishes.  Almost.  I've realized if my kitchen is in order so is my mind.  I seem to be a happier wife and mother when my kitchen is not overflowing with dishes.  So although I still dislike doing them and they always seem to come back, I like the satisfaction of a clean kitchen at night. 

Now on the other hand one chore I've always loved is laundry.  Never been good at putting it away, but the rest was my chore of choice.  Well, add a husband and 2 children and quickly it has become my least favorite chore.  It never ends.  And those 2 little cherubs...they produce a lot of extra laundry.  I also have yet to figure out how to do laundry downstairs with 2 babies upstairs. Anyways, it's amazing what a year can do to a woman.


Tomorrow my hubby and I got a babysitter so we can go have a business meeting.  Isn't that funny?  We are actually going to breakfast where we can sit and talk about things without the interruption of a fussy baby and a busy toddler.  I even sent him an agenda of topics.  LOL.  My hubby likes to think about things before we go so that helps...I'm not really that OCD.  I'll be honest...I can't wait.  Talk about changes, 2 kids changes your conversations and time for conversations.  So we are taking some time away for that.


Our littlest guy, Jonah, is such a fun kid.  And by fun I mean, he's a lot like his mama.  He's got a great smile and loves to talk, but when he's pissed or hungry....well watch out! Noah is our easy going little guy, so Jonah is teaching us about change.  We have to change our method and ways we soothe with Jonah.  We have to love him differently.  I get frustrated with him at times and my oh my does he have a set of lungs on him, but I think he's gonna be a force to be reckoned with when he's older.  He's got passion and determination (much like me...) and I like to dream he's gonna be our go getter!  President 2056??

Did I mention he's got my dimples??  :::swoon:::


When I was single I was involved in so many minisitries and church activities.  But with kids quickly all of that seems to have fallen off the spectrum for us.  But I'll be honest.  I miss it like crazy.  My wise friend Mary and I were having a heart to heart about such topics like this, and although I think our church lacks when it comes to reaching out to mothers like other churches do, I also think I recognize my need to make time for church activities.  I need that community.  I need other moms, other Christians, time away to draw closer to the Lord.  So if you have any activities coming up at your church that you think would be a good fit for me please let me know!


We just got back from Florida.  I am so glad we went, but man oh man, I don't know if I will travel with two young kids again for a long, long time.  It was a challenge.  Like super, duper challenging.  Two kids in laps on full flights with suitcases, a double stroller, and luggage....well it's hard.  It was so worth it to get away and see my parents and be able to take the kids swimming and to the beach, but was a stress for me.  I think we will be doing the Michigan thing for the next little bit. 


When I was younger I swore I'd never drive a minivan.  I was convinced I would be that cool mom in an SUV, but my oh my add 2 kids in car seats, a huge double stroller, the need for space and all I can dream about is when my car is up for lease and we can upgrade to a minivan.  My family isn't too happy with me, but unfortunately Ford doesn't make a minivan anymore and I want the automatic sliding doors and trunk.  I want my kids to be able to climb in the car without my help.  Oh and judge me if you will, but I want the DVD player.  Noah is a horrible traveler and I'm convinced a movie will make traveling possible once again.  So we are going to the dark side and heading to Chrysler or Dodge (Staying in the American made category at least) Watch out, this mom will soon be one of those "Mad Moms in a Minivan!"


And finally....check out this change....pretty great, huh??

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love that family picture
    2. I never wanted a minivan and it's actually the best thing ever.
    3. Aaron and I had a business meeting on Wednesday night and they are so so so good. It's so hard with so many kids to stop and get on the same page. love it.
