Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Why Staying at Home is the Best Choice for ME

I am straying a bit on my 7 Quick Takes today to write something that has been on my heart for awhile.   I wanted to start writing this by saying that the title of this blog is why staying home is the best choice for ME, NOT for EVERYONE.  This is truly a reflection of why being a stay at home wife currently, and a stay at home mother in the near future makes sense for me.  I am not dogging anyone who chooses to go back to work or saying that this is the lifestyle for everyone, I am merely reflecting on why in the last year I have decided that the decision we made as a couple has really worked for us as a family.



I guess the first reason is maybe the most obvious.  It works for my husband and I.  We are so blessed that my husband has a great job that adequately provides for our family. My husband's job as a software developer also requires a great deal of concentration and focus each day while he is at work. This means there isn't always a lot of time to focus on other aspects of life.  This is where I come in.  Being at home allows me to focus on the bills, the cleaning (although at times subpar), and the day to day needs that arise in our family.  I take care of the shopping, the appointments, and anything else that pops up in the day.  Most days, my husband is able to come home to a home cooked meal on the table, which I take pride in and he enjoys not eating frozen meals.  Our lives run smoothly most days and allows us time in the evenings together.  It works, we like it!



Some women are able to hold down a full time job, keep a clean house, and juggle a busy family schedule with finesse and pizzazz.  My sister-in-law is one of these people.  She does it all! She is organized and has it all together.  I admire people like that, but I have to be honest in saying though that I am NOT one of these women.  I don't multitask very well.  It's hard for me to be good at everything.  Teaching full time is a lot of work and I never wanted to be a teacher who didn't give my students my all.  When I began to notice that slacking a bit because I was trying to focus on my relationship with Tom, planning a wedding, and all the life changes that ensued we knew something had to give.  We knew we wanted to start a family soon after we were married so we decided it was the best time for me to leave my job as a teacher.  Yes, we took a cut financially of course (though not that bad with a teacher salary) but we felt we were willing to make sacrifices of nice vacations and fancy things in order to make this arrangement.  To be honest, there is very little that we want for and the benefits certainly out weight any of it.



Although this is not a reason I decided to stay at home, it certainly has become a benefit.  With the 2 pregnancies I have had, both being high risk, I am glad that I am home and don't have a job to focus on.  These past 10 months have been a strain physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I am glad I can recover and focus on my health and the health of my children at home.  It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  Who knew that pregnancy isn't all fun??



I know in these days, staying at home is kind of archaic and seen as a nothing type job.  I can't believe how much slack I received when I made the decision to leave my job as a teacher to stay home.  Friends, family, strangers...but the biggest reason I want to stay home is my kids.  I waited so long to be a mom that that's exactly what I want to do and selfishly I don't want anyone else to do it!  If someone is going to screw my kids up, it better be me! ;)  Here are some reasons why:

I want to be there for as many of my kids firsts as I can be! When they walk, talk, cry, laugh...I want to be there! I don't want to miss any of it.  I can't wait to watch them explore new things, learn new concepts, and sing along to some of their favorite songs.

When my kids are sick I want to be able to stay at home with them.  I remember when I was sick as a child my mom was the best nurse.  She was always there, always knew what to do to make it better, and made me feel loved.  I want to do the same.  When they need a band aid, a bucket to puke in, or some Tylenol I want to be there for them.  I don't want to have to make the decision between taking a day off work and staying home with my baby. 

I want to be as involved at my children's schools as I can be.  (This does not mean I want to be a helicopter parent.)  Being a teacher for 11 years, I know the benefit of those stay at home moms.  They saved me on many field trips, fundraisers, and frantic class parties.  I loved those room moms, in fact many of them became personal friends in the process.  My mom was also one of those moms.  I loved seeing her at school and involved in my day.  My dad was good too! He never missed any event that was after school.  I want that for my kids.  I want to be there and available any way I can be.

Now, this is just me.  I know there are a lot of things about being a SAHM that are not glorious or lovely.  Sometimes I get lonely, sometimes I desire adult interaction, and I am sure those sick kids and school field trips eventually get old, but for now this is the life I desire to live.  It's shocking to a lot of people that I would leave a job after 11 years to just be a wife and mother, but I know in order for me to be the best wife and mother possible, I need to be able to work from my home front.  Who knows what the future will hold?  I may one day desire to be back in the classroom, or take another path in life, but for's all good in my hood.



  1. This is awesome. As you know, Aaron and I have been working our butts off to get me home. We are one month away from our goal and I cannot wait to be at home! Cannot.wait!

  2. My mom made the same decision to quit her job teaching when I was born. She was an awesome stay at home mom and homeroom mom. I loved being able to go home for lunch with her during elementary school (still can't believe the school allowed that). Anyway, once my brother and I got older, my mom made the decision to go back to teaching (when I started 7th grade and my brother was in 10th). She's finally retiring at the end of this year. I'm so grateful she made the decision to stay home while we were young and she still got to have a career once we got older. I know you will be a great mom and based on my experience I think it's an excellent choice.

  3. I would love to be a SAHM when our rainbow eventually comes. I agree with all of the points you made. We are very lucky that my dad recently retired and is more than happy to watch our kid while we're at work, but I am sad that he'll get to see most of their firsts and not me, and he'll get to spend all day with them instead of us. It's a better alternative to daycare of course, and it's free, but still I'm sad it can't be me.

    I'm already a terrible housekeeper because of being tired from work, so I am anxious about how I am going to do it all; raise kids, take care of the house, work, etc. Actually I think the world was a better place when it was more typical for one parent to work and one to stay home. But alas, me staying home one day doesn't work for us for the foreseeable future. I'm glad it works out for you to be able to do what works best for your family.
