I've gotta be honest and tell you that I've been promising to write what I titled "Words are Cheap:2 Things Christians are Doing Wrong." But every time I thought about writing it with my opinions I was quickly corrected by the Holy Spirit. Writing on cheap words and condemning Christians in my blog felt very hypocritical. I guess I may have a blog down the road about accepting criticism and humility in our lives. LOL. So here is my version of "Words are Cheap-rethought."
"Actions speak louder than words..."
"Put your money where your mouth is."
"A little less talk, and a lot more action."
This topic is not an original thought by any means. People have been drilling this home for years. But my 7 posts this week are focusing on lessons I've learned and so instead of pointing fingers at all of you, I'm gonna tell you what I've learned about my mouth and just how often I need to shut it.
If you are a woman than I can almost guarantee gossip is something you've struggled with. I don't think there is anything a woman loves more than a good old fashion gossip session. I'll be honest, any strides I've made in this department can be undone with one week moment or one good suggestion of juicy gossip. But there is nothing more cheap than gossip. I loved this quote I read by Frank A. Clark, "Gossip needn't be false to be evil-there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around." Why do we revel in other's failings? Why do we love to talk about the dirt in someone else's life? I think it makes us feel good about the inevitable dirt we all have in our lives. Cause we all have it. I have known a few people in my life that I have gossiped with more than anyone who literally got off on gossiping about others. It was what made them who they were. Gossip literally empowered them. But looking back, those who gossip the most I find are the most insecure in their own lives. In fact, when I think about the women in my life who do readily engage in gossip they are some of the most secure in who they are and what they stand for. And the truth is, something we all must remember, a person who gossips with you, is going to gossip about you after you leave. I have talked about others badly and then encountered that person later and been so nice their face. All the while the pangs of guilt were so deep because I knew I just slaughtered that person behind their back. It's a horrible feeling. I have been caught up in gossip only to learn that it wasn't true and here I had just ruined this person's reputation in a New York second. Gossip kills. It kills friendships and it kills trust. I've come a long way in this area, but you know what? I've got such a long way to go. St. Paul reminds us in scripture when he says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think[talk] about such things." Wouldn't our time be so much better spent talking about the good in others and not relishing on their struggles? Don't we want others to talk about the good in us and not our struggles?
St. Francis is quoted with saying "Preach always, and if necessary use words." Now there is debate if he actually said this and truthfully I don't care if he said it or someone else said it, because there is so much truth to it. I have 2 examples of this that are very close to my heart...the first is my own conversion to Catholicism and the second is my mom's. When I started teaching at a Catholic school I had zero desire to be Catholic. I knew every debate against the Catholic church and although I wasn't living a very Christian life at the time, I still would argue against the church. Well, without getting into my whole conversion story I want to focus on a question I was often asked after my conversion. "Was there a lot of pressure to become Catholic?" and my answer was always, "No." Do you know not one person at the school I taught tried to persuade me to become Catholic? Do you know what did persuade me to become Catholic? Watching a few people live out their faith. Watching the beauty in which they did. Admiring the people they were. Truly, their actions spoke louder than their words ever would. Once I was curious as to what these people had I started asking questions and learning about the faith. THEN, and only THEN did they talk. And they talked with love and conviction. They were credible because I had seen them live out their faith long before they told me about it. Had they tried to convert me with their words first, I am certain I never would've entered the church. A few years later, I was driving with my mom one summer day after I had met my now husband and my mom told me she had decided to become Catholic. I literally almost drove off the road in shock? Why was I so shocked? Because I never ONCE tried to convince my mom to become Catholic. She went on to tell me that watching my brother and his wife raise their children in the church, then watching me live out my faith and especially how Tom and I lived out our faith in our dating and engagement made her want to be apart of it all. We had no idea that as we went about our day to day lives trying our best to allow Christ to be the center of our lives we were evangelizing my mom. Our actions were speaking louder than our words. Our lives showed our convictions and there was something appealing to my mom there. Do you want to lead someone to Christ? Then show them Christ. Show them love. Show them the blessings played out in your life. Show them your faith. And if necessary....use your words...when they are ready to listen.
I come from a family where sarcasm is our vernacular. We all speak it well and with pizzazz and spunk. I was trained at an early age how to have a come back ready at all times and with a little zing and punch included. Do you know why we as a people like sarcasm? Because I think we feel like we can always follow with the phrase, "I was just joking." But I can't tell you how many times I have hurt someone with my sarcasm or teasing. And on the same note I have been hurt too. In the teaching circle you are taught that sarcasm has no place in the classroom. I think that's debatable and I still think sarcasm can be used as a valuable communication tool, but where it is wrong is when it is used to hurt. When sarcasm and teasing go too far is a very thin line. We have to be careful to choose what we say and how we say it with care. To think about the person we are speaking to and to watch their expressions with our delivery. Choose your words wisely my friends.
These are the three main areas I have really learned about shutting my mouth. How about you? Maybe it's bragging, lying, slandering, or exaggerating? Where do you need to learn to let your actions speak over your words? This is something I really, really need to work on. Please know that I have come along way, but like I said...I have so far to go.
On a final note, I want to just say that we shouldn't all go around being mute. Do you know what words are good for? Apologies, forgiveness, compliments, loving criticism, sharing your story and your self....as the Bible tells us the tongue is really a two edged sword. It can be used for tearing down and building up. My hope is that one day my words will be used more for building and less for tearing. There are times too when we are called to speak truth. Sometimes it's necessary to correct, explain, proclaim, and even shout! But it take panache and charisma to know when those times are and when it's better to remain quiet.
Happy Friday my friends! Enjoy your weekend with those you love the most! We are celebrating the marriage of 2 good friends this weekend! How exciting! See you all tomorrow! :)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
7 Posts in 7 Days: Day 4 What's in a Name?
I know yesterday I said I was going to write about the 2 things I thought Christians are doing wrong, but then I read my friend's Mary's blog about how she chose her children's names and was linking up with other bloggers to do the same at Team Whitaker. And so I decided to go for fun and easy today and talk about my boys instead. It is my favorite topic anyways.
Jackson Edward
Our first child's name Jackson comes from when I first started dating Tom. Tom's last name (and now mine) is Bauer. After just a few dates my dad called me. Now I need to tell you that my dad and I are huge 24 fans. So that night my dad called and asks, "Is Tom's last name Bauer? I'm just saying...Jack Bauer? Think about it.." Well, even though Tom and I were just dating from that point on I knew if we had a son his name would be Jackson (I didn't like Jack as much as Jackson) So when I got pregnant we knew if we were having a boy my dad was so excited! When we were thinking of middle names we couldn't help to make that name a little tongue and cheek. So sticking with the Bauer theme Jackson's middle name became Edward, as in Eddie Bauer. Luckily Edward was my grandfather's name so it worked out! If Jackson was a girl his name would've been Cecilia.
As my readers know, Jackson was born way too early at 23 weeks gestation. On the saddest day of my life, I was holding him for the first and last time with Tom and my parents by my side. Very sweetly the doctor asked, "Is Jackson a family name?" Amidst all the tears the 4 of us looked at each other and started cracking up! We then had to tell her that his name sake was in fact, Jack Bauer of 24.
Noah Thomas
Our second child too was a little boy. Thank goodness because we could not find a girl's name that we loved. Originally I had chosen the name Benjamin. I always liked the name Ben. Because Noah was our baby born after a loss he is considered our Rainbow Baby, because a rainbow comes after the storm. One day a very good friend of mine called me and told me that she had been praying for me and she felt that the Lord really put on her heart that if we had a son his name should be Noah, who's sign was also a rainbow. Well as soon as she muttered the words I knew that his name would be Noah. Tom never wanted to name a child Thomas, but after reconciling with his namesake, he decided he would like his son to have his name for his middle name. So Noah Thomas it was.
We mostly call Noah, Buddy, but I have called him "No-No" or "No-Nos" from the beginning. Tom says I am going to confuse him when he gets older and I tell him "No" and he'll think I am saying his name. I think he'll be fine.
Future children??
I'm not saying we are going to have more children or not. A pregnancy for us would take a lot of planning, praying, and convincing...but if God chooses to bless us with another child I have already decided if we are having a girl her name will be Norah Elizabeth. (Elizabeth is my middle name and I just like Norah) If we have a boy his name will be Jonah. No middle name has been decided. I guess I am a dork and like the "ah" endings apparently.
Anyways...thanks for playing along! See you tomorrow when I promise I will be blogging on my title "Talk is Cheap!" See you then! :)
Don't forget to check out other's blogs at 7 posts in 7 days at Conversion Diary.
Jackson Edward
Our first child's name Jackson comes from when I first started dating Tom. Tom's last name (and now mine) is Bauer. After just a few dates my dad called me. Now I need to tell you that my dad and I are huge 24 fans. So that night my dad called and asks, "Is Tom's last name Bauer? I'm just saying...Jack Bauer? Think about it.." Well, even though Tom and I were just dating from that point on I knew if we had a son his name would be Jackson (I didn't like Jack as much as Jackson) So when I got pregnant we knew if we were having a boy my dad was so excited! When we were thinking of middle names we couldn't help to make that name a little tongue and cheek. So sticking with the Bauer theme Jackson's middle name became Edward, as in Eddie Bauer. Luckily Edward was my grandfather's name so it worked out! If Jackson was a girl his name would've been Cecilia.
As my readers know, Jackson was born way too early at 23 weeks gestation. On the saddest day of my life, I was holding him for the first and last time with Tom and my parents by my side. Very sweetly the doctor asked, "Is Jackson a family name?" Amidst all the tears the 4 of us looked at each other and started cracking up! We then had to tell her that his name sake was in fact, Jack Bauer of 24.
Noah Thomas
Our second child too was a little boy. Thank goodness because we could not find a girl's name that we loved. Originally I had chosen the name Benjamin. I always liked the name Ben. Because Noah was our baby born after a loss he is considered our Rainbow Baby, because a rainbow comes after the storm. One day a very good friend of mine called me and told me that she had been praying for me and she felt that the Lord really put on her heart that if we had a son his name should be Noah, who's sign was also a rainbow. Well as soon as she muttered the words I knew that his name would be Noah. Tom never wanted to name a child Thomas, but after reconciling with his namesake, he decided he would like his son to have his name for his middle name. So Noah Thomas it was.
We mostly call Noah, Buddy, but I have called him "No-No" or "No-Nos" from the beginning. Tom says I am going to confuse him when he gets older and I tell him "No" and he'll think I am saying his name. I think he'll be fine.
Future children??
I'm not saying we are going to have more children or not. A pregnancy for us would take a lot of planning, praying, and convincing...but if God chooses to bless us with another child I have already decided if we are having a girl her name will be Norah Elizabeth. (Elizabeth is my middle name and I just like Norah) If we have a boy his name will be Jonah. No middle name has been decided. I guess I am a dork and like the "ah" endings apparently.
Anyways...thanks for playing along! See you tomorrow when I promise I will be blogging on my title "Talk is Cheap!" See you then! :)
Don't forget to check out other's blogs at 7 posts in 7 days at Conversion Diary.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
7 Posts in 7 Days: Day 3 Choices
My 7 day blogging spree continues...day 3. Today I am writing not as an expert by any means, but rather I am telling you about a BIG realization I came to earlier this week. I pray this doesn't mimic the many "You're doing a great job mom" blogs going around the cyber world. Not because I don't like those or agree, but rather there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Those bloggers hit the nail on the head. Rather, I hope to come from the angle of empowering myself (and maybe one or two of you) as a mother, especially all the new mothers out there.
When I got married I got a lot of advice from people. A lot. But as promised by so many, it doesn't compare to the amount of advice I have received since having a child. Now I should start off by saying, I recognize that I solicit advice on my Facebook often and perhaps open myself up for the many opinions of others. I also should say that if you are one of the ones giving me advice, I really do appreciate it. I do. Please know this isn't about not hearing the advice of others, but rather what to do when advice is given. This is more of a reflection of me as a mother, not an attack on anyone.
This week we've started sleep training. I've mentioned this on Facebook. I even sought the advice of my fellow mom friends on Facebook. Here were some of the words of wisdom (paraphrased):
* Put him in his crib and let him cry it out.
* Go in every 10-15 minutes and give him his pacifier
* I don't believe in crying it out.
* Swaddle him.
* Remember you are in charge.
* Sound machine.
* Quiet room.
Do you see my problem?? While all the advice was heartfelt and good, it all contradicts each other. So I tried cry it out. I tried the sound machine. I tried the swaddle. I went in every 10 minutes. I kept the room quiet. I cried after 40 minutes of him crying. And finally I put him in his swing and he slept for 3 straight hours! So by most of my friends' standards I have pretty much failed this week. And I was really feeling like a failure. When questioned if he was sleeping in his crib yet I would cringe as I said no. I couldn't even tell everyone that this is just during the day for naps! I don't know if I am ready to have him out of my bedroom at night just yet.
So what's my point? Where's my epiphany? It happened yesterday afternoon. I was so consumed with trying to be a good mom in my friends' and family's minds that I forgot that I actually was a good mom. I forgot that there is no one on this planet that knows my son better than I do. I forgot that God has entrusted this little boy to me because apparently He feels I can handle it. I realized I needed to be more confidant in my choices as a mother.
Every day I have choices I have to make for my son. How much to feed him? When does he need sleep? Is his diaper in need of a change? What formula is best for supplementing? Is he cold? And although I think there is nothing wrong with asking advice from others, and goodness knows I don't know the half of what is required of me as a mom, it's what I do with that advice that makes a difference. I realized that even if someone gives me advice on what to do in a situation such as sleep training, it doesn't mean I have to do it and I certainly am not accountable to do it. Did letting your child cry it out work for you? Great. So far, it's not working for my family. Did you let your child nap in his swing most of the time? I understand. I realized that I was giving too much power to others and not realizing that no one knows better than my husband and me what works for our family.
Maybe that's not earth shattering to you, but it was to me. It was such a release. I was so consumed in not failing my advice givers that I wasn't looking at what is best for my son and my family. I realized there is a tremendous amount of pressure to do things the "right" way as a mom. Unfortunately, trying to please every one's rendition of "right" was not going to happen. It's like the Mosaic Law...impossible.
I thought about a few of my friends who have strong views on what they do or don't do as moms. What I realized is that they were confidant in their choices as moms. Maybe the family bed was the way to go for them. Maybe they only feed their children organic foods. Maybe they let their children cry it out at 8 weeks. Maybe they don't let their children watch TV. Maybe they do. Whatever it is, they had convictions about why they do what they do and it was obvious that that wasn't going to change. It doesn't mean they don't listen to others or do things differently than others, but rather they are able to listen and say, "That's great...but this works better for us." They are confidant...something I am lacking. Maybe it comes with time. Maybe for some it doesn't. But for me, I've decided to stop trying to be a people pleaser and to trust my instincts and gut and be the mom Noah needs me to be. To be ME. To be the best version of myself...because everyone else is taken!
I bet if you questioned the parents of all the kindergartner if their child sleeps in their own beds for the night, most would answer yes. I also bet if you asked those same parents how they sleep trained you would get a variety of answers. That's my second AHA! Noah will sleep in his crib one day. Noah will sleep through the night one day (hopefully soon...) But we might get there on a different path and in a different time frame than you. And you know what? That's OK. And if I make a poor decision on what path to go down I will pay for it. I will be the one up with him in the middle of the night. But eventually we will figure it out.
So that's my encouragement for today! All you moms out there....trust yourself! Be the best mom you can be! God has entrusted each of your children to you because He knew that you were the best mom for that child. God has faith in you and I do to! Don't be afraid to do what works for you and your child. Other than those things that would put you or your child in danger there are a thousand routes to achieving the same goals as parents. Our children will one day sleep in beds, get out of diapers, read, write, use a fork, and walk. One way or another it will happen! Go confidant in YOUR way!
Don't forget to check out some of the other writers that are partaking in Jen's 7 Posts in 7 Days challenge over at Conversion Diary!
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog when I get on my Christian Soap Box and tell you what I think Christians are doing wrong in this world! (Cause I know you want to know!)
When I got married I got a lot of advice from people. A lot. But as promised by so many, it doesn't compare to the amount of advice I have received since having a child. Now I should start off by saying, I recognize that I solicit advice on my Facebook often and perhaps open myself up for the many opinions of others. I also should say that if you are one of the ones giving me advice, I really do appreciate it. I do. Please know this isn't about not hearing the advice of others, but rather what to do when advice is given. This is more of a reflection of me as a mother, not an attack on anyone.
This week we've started sleep training. I've mentioned this on Facebook. I even sought the advice of my fellow mom friends on Facebook. Here were some of the words of wisdom (paraphrased):
* Put him in his crib and let him cry it out.
* Go in every 10-15 minutes and give him his pacifier
* I don't believe in crying it out.
* Swaddle him.
* Remember you are in charge.
* Sound machine.
* Quiet room.
Do you see my problem?? While all the advice was heartfelt and good, it all contradicts each other. So I tried cry it out. I tried the sound machine. I tried the swaddle. I went in every 10 minutes. I kept the room quiet. I cried after 40 minutes of him crying. And finally I put him in his swing and he slept for 3 straight hours! So by most of my friends' standards I have pretty much failed this week. And I was really feeling like a failure. When questioned if he was sleeping in his crib yet I would cringe as I said no. I couldn't even tell everyone that this is just during the day for naps! I don't know if I am ready to have him out of my bedroom at night just yet.
So what's my point? Where's my epiphany? It happened yesterday afternoon. I was so consumed with trying to be a good mom in my friends' and family's minds that I forgot that I actually was a good mom. I forgot that there is no one on this planet that knows my son better than I do. I forgot that God has entrusted this little boy to me because apparently He feels I can handle it. I realized I needed to be more confidant in my choices as a mother.
Every day I have choices I have to make for my son. How much to feed him? When does he need sleep? Is his diaper in need of a change? What formula is best for supplementing? Is he cold? And although I think there is nothing wrong with asking advice from others, and goodness knows I don't know the half of what is required of me as a mom, it's what I do with that advice that makes a difference. I realized that even if someone gives me advice on what to do in a situation such as sleep training, it doesn't mean I have to do it and I certainly am not accountable to do it. Did letting your child cry it out work for you? Great. So far, it's not working for my family. Did you let your child nap in his swing most of the time? I understand. I realized that I was giving too much power to others and not realizing that no one knows better than my husband and me what works for our family.
Maybe that's not earth shattering to you, but it was to me. It was such a release. I was so consumed in not failing my advice givers that I wasn't looking at what is best for my son and my family. I realized there is a tremendous amount of pressure to do things the "right" way as a mom. Unfortunately, trying to please every one's rendition of "right" was not going to happen. It's like the Mosaic Law...impossible.
I thought about a few of my friends who have strong views on what they do or don't do as moms. What I realized is that they were confidant in their choices as moms. Maybe the family bed was the way to go for them. Maybe they only feed their children organic foods. Maybe they let their children cry it out at 8 weeks. Maybe they don't let their children watch TV. Maybe they do. Whatever it is, they had convictions about why they do what they do and it was obvious that that wasn't going to change. It doesn't mean they don't listen to others or do things differently than others, but rather they are able to listen and say, "That's great...but this works better for us." They are confidant...something I am lacking. Maybe it comes with time. Maybe for some it doesn't. But for me, I've decided to stop trying to be a people pleaser and to trust my instincts and gut and be the mom Noah needs me to be. To be ME. To be the best version of myself...because everyone else is taken!
I bet if you questioned the parents of all the kindergartner if their child sleeps in their own beds for the night, most would answer yes. I also bet if you asked those same parents how they sleep trained you would get a variety of answers. That's my second AHA! Noah will sleep in his crib one day. Noah will sleep through the night one day (hopefully soon...) But we might get there on a different path and in a different time frame than you. And you know what? That's OK. And if I make a poor decision on what path to go down I will pay for it. I will be the one up with him in the middle of the night. But eventually we will figure it out.
So that's my encouragement for today! All you moms out there....trust yourself! Be the best mom you can be! God has entrusted each of your children to you because He knew that you were the best mom for that child. God has faith in you and I do to! Don't be afraid to do what works for you and your child. Other than those things that would put you or your child in danger there are a thousand routes to achieving the same goals as parents. Our children will one day sleep in beds, get out of diapers, read, write, use a fork, and walk. One way or another it will happen! Go confidant in YOUR way!
Don't forget to check out some of the other writers that are partaking in Jen's 7 Posts in 7 Days challenge over at Conversion Diary!
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog when I get on my Christian Soap Box and tell you what I think Christians are doing wrong in this world! (Cause I know you want to know!)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
7 Posts in 7 Days: Day 2 RESPECT
Well, here goes day 2 in my 7 posts in 7 days series. (Wow, that sounds official.) Anyways, if you want to follow along I will be here God willing for the next week with my thoughts on what I've learned in life. Follow along others 7 days posts here.
So, as promised today I am talking about husbands and the respect they deserve. My thoughts are inspired by Matt Walsh's article on this topic. I should tell you before you read that article that I love most of what Matt Walsh says in MOST of his posts...however, he can come off as a bit of a jerk and a know-it-all...regardless, I think he's dead on with this one and it was a great reminder for me.
Anyways...back to husbands and respect. If you follow the Bible you know the famous verse from Ephesians that tell us wives to respect our husbands and husbands should love their wives. It was read at our wedding. It can be highly controversial because some see it as wives need to be submissive to their husbands in almost a slave like manner. That is not the case. The truth of the matter is, if you are a woman the number one thing you desire is to feel love. We seek love in any way we can get it...sometimes healthy ways and sometimes unhealthy ways. How many of us have gasped when we hear a young girl is pregnant, or wants a baby at 16, or is showing herself in provocative ways to her boyfriend over snap chat or Facebook?? Why do these young girls do this? Because they are seeking love any way they can get it. They want to feel loved and will go to any length to get it...even if it's temporary.
But we are talking about husbands here...my point is showing that extreme case of how strongly we as women desire love from a very young age. Thankfully, many of us were raised to hopefully look for love in healthy and appropriate ways. The love of family, friends, and other loved ones. Ok...do you know what I am talking about? Now, think about the men in your life...they desire to be respected the same way we desire to be loved. It is what drives them, encourages them, inspires them...it makes them feel more masculine than anything else in the world. And yet, I think so many of us women fall short when it comes to respecting our husbands the way they deserve...not because they're saints (goodness knows that ain't the truth...) but rather because if we want them to be the men we desire them to be it's required. There are 4 ways we can better respect our husbands that I want to touch on, that have been lessons to me in my marriage and sharing in other's marriages.
When my husband and I were going through marriage prep our priest sternly told both of us never dog each other to our friends and family. His reason being that we will forgive our spouses, but our friends and family will hold it over them. Yes, we all vent sometimes, but he encouraged us to find that one or two people that you could trust to just listen and not judge or take it elsewhere. I listened, but thought I would know better. Early in my marriage (Ha! I guess by some standards it's still early in my marriage, but at the very beginning let's say...) I would call my mom or friend and complain about this or that that Tom did. Nothing major of course, but still annoyances. Quickly, I began to recognize those people holding those things against Tom. Or making assumptions about him based things I had told them. I realized that my big mouth was hurting my husband's reputation. I learned quickly to shut up. Yes, I have a handful of girlfriends I can run to when I need to let off some steam, but otherwise, when I speak about my husband to others I try to remain positive. Why? Because although he isn't perfect, neither am I. He doesn't tell everyone what a jerk I can be, why should I do the same to him. Also, what a reflection on me if I am constantly dogging my husband. Doesn't that mean I make bad choices?
I have become so aware of how others talk about their husbands. Both of my sisters-in-law are excellent examples of how it should be. I have never once heard either of them say a bad word about their husbands....and since one of them happened to live with me growing up for 20+ years I know what a pain he can be...but not a word. Yes, I've heard them bicker and tease about flaws, but for the most part neither mutters an unkind word about their husbands. And you know what? They've both been married almost 14 years. That says something in this day and age. There are others in my life that all too often are quick to insult and embarrass their husbands at any given moment. It makes me cringe sometimes to watch the faces of their husbands or gauge their reaction and our uncomfortableness as their wife bashes them. I cringe even more and even (gasp!) have unfriended someone on Facebook because they constantly bashed their husbands publicly in their status updates. All this does is beat our men down. I would go out on a limb and say some of these marriages are suffering because of the lack of respect and privacy given to their husbands. You don't have to be gushy and fake, but say something nice about your husband in public. Tell them about that mean lasagna he baked, or that he did all the laundry for you. Show the picture of the flowers he gave you or that one where he was playing lego with your son. Men notice it. And I promise you, it means something to them.
The next one was (and really still is) a work in progress for me. Nagging. Do you know one of the worst way we as women disrespect our husbands? We nag them....to death. Literally. I'm a nagger. I am not proud of it, but I am. I constantly work on being less bossy, and believe it or not I've come a long way. Talk about quickly emasculating our husbands. How easily we forget that we didn't marry a child (even if they act that way sometimes), but we married a man; a bonafide adult. Tom couldn't win in my house for a long time..."Do this....no not that way, this way." "When are you going to do this? I asked you 5 minutes ago?" "Don't eat that." "You're going to wear that out?" (Ok, he still gets this one from time to time.) The man couldn't do or not do anything without me giving an opinion, an order, or a suggestion to a better way in which to do it. And I will be honest, it was crushing our marriage. I can remember the look on his face when I nagged him to death and gave him no respect. I didn't trust him to make decisions or do things differently than I would want him to do them. I forgot that he had feelings too and maybe today he really didn't feel like doing this or that. Ladies, respect your men enough to treat them as adults and not children. Just the other day I caught myself questioning why Tom had 2 Gatorades in one day?? Especially the ones that he was supposed to take to work. I literally caught myself mid nag and thought...."SHUT UP. Who am I to tell this grown man, who works hard and provides for his family just how many Gatorades he can have in one day?" Like I said....a work in progress. Fight your battles. What's really important? If it is important, sit down like 2 adults and talk about it. If it's not important...let it go.
Just as our words can be used to tearing down, they can also be used for building up. One of the greatest ways we can respect our husbands is by telling them (and showing them) our gratitude. My husband, like many of your husbands I bet, has this lovely habit of leaving all his socks by his side of the bed which is covered by our bed so I don't see them there...until I've just finished all of the laundry. ;) So I went to him and asked him to work on it. (In a very NON-nagging way I am sure....) Anyways, the other day I did a bazillion loads of laundry. Just as I finished the last load I remembered the sock pandemic. I walked over to his side of the bed and you know what??? No socks! Not one. That night I thanked my husband for thinking of me. It's those little words that give our husbands great respect. Instead of pointing out what they do wrong, thank them for what they do right. Some days it might be hard, but find something to say thank you for. I have found that when I am showing gratitude for my husband, he is really more likely to try and be more loving and pleasing to me. You know why? He feels respected. A man who feels respected gives off respect and love. Use your words to build up your man.
Finally, ladies...this might not be popular or even appealing to some of you, but make sex a priority in your marriage. Not just cuddling or a kiss good night, but rather make sure the marital act is a priority in your marriage. I know...I've got a newborn at home and most days we are exhausted as I am sure many of you are. At the end of a long day or week, sex is often not the first...or even 10th thing on our minds. Most of the time we desire just to get under the sheets and fall asleep as fast as possible in hopes that we can get some shut eye in before the baby wakes. As women most of us can go without sex. We desire the intimacy of our husbands, but actual intercourse isn't always the priority. Well guess what? It is to men. Men on a very large level are encouraged, respected, and made to feel important when they make love to their wives. Ask them. Why do you think we have such a pornography epidemic on our hands? Honestly, so many women are not making sex a priority in their marriage. But ladies, it's time to take one for the team. Men need it. It's so healthy for them (and really...you too.) As Catholics we believe that making love to our husbands is like renewing our wedding vows each time. We are saying to our husbands I give myself fully to you again. I choose you again. You're still the one! What an awesome message we send to our husbands when we sacrifice time away from everyone else...and even a little shut eye...to let our husbands know that they are the priority. That there is no one else you'd rather be with in such an intimate way.

Take some time this week to look at your marriage. Are you respecting your husband? Are there some areas you need to work on? What would you add to this list?
Come back tomorrow for my reflections on being a mom and the choices we make when we have children.....
So, as promised today I am talking about husbands and the respect they deserve. My thoughts are inspired by Matt Walsh's article on this topic. I should tell you before you read that article that I love most of what Matt Walsh says in MOST of his posts...however, he can come off as a bit of a jerk and a know-it-all...regardless, I think he's dead on with this one and it was a great reminder for me.
Anyways...back to husbands and respect. If you follow the Bible you know the famous verse from Ephesians that tell us wives to respect our husbands and husbands should love their wives. It was read at our wedding. It can be highly controversial because some see it as wives need to be submissive to their husbands in almost a slave like manner. That is not the case. The truth of the matter is, if you are a woman the number one thing you desire is to feel love. We seek love in any way we can get it...sometimes healthy ways and sometimes unhealthy ways. How many of us have gasped when we hear a young girl is pregnant, or wants a baby at 16, or is showing herself in provocative ways to her boyfriend over snap chat or Facebook?? Why do these young girls do this? Because they are seeking love any way they can get it. They want to feel loved and will go to any length to get it...even if it's temporary.

When my husband and I were going through marriage prep our priest sternly told both of us never dog each other to our friends and family. His reason being that we will forgive our spouses, but our friends and family will hold it over them. Yes, we all vent sometimes, but he encouraged us to find that one or two people that you could trust to just listen and not judge or take it elsewhere. I listened, but thought I would know better. Early in my marriage (Ha! I guess by some standards it's still early in my marriage, but at the very beginning let's say...) I would call my mom or friend and complain about this or that that Tom did. Nothing major of course, but still annoyances. Quickly, I began to recognize those people holding those things against Tom. Or making assumptions about him based things I had told them. I realized that my big mouth was hurting my husband's reputation. I learned quickly to shut up. Yes, I have a handful of girlfriends I can run to when I need to let off some steam, but otherwise, when I speak about my husband to others I try to remain positive. Why? Because although he isn't perfect, neither am I. He doesn't tell everyone what a jerk I can be, why should I do the same to him. Also, what a reflection on me if I am constantly dogging my husband. Doesn't that mean I make bad choices?
I have become so aware of how others talk about their husbands. Both of my sisters-in-law are excellent examples of how it should be. I have never once heard either of them say a bad word about their husbands....and since one of them happened to live with me growing up for 20+ years I know what a pain he can be...but not a word. Yes, I've heard them bicker and tease about flaws, but for the most part neither mutters an unkind word about their husbands. And you know what? They've both been married almost 14 years. That says something in this day and age. There are others in my life that all too often are quick to insult and embarrass their husbands at any given moment. It makes me cringe sometimes to watch the faces of their husbands or gauge their reaction and our uncomfortableness as their wife bashes them. I cringe even more and even (gasp!) have unfriended someone on Facebook because they constantly bashed their husbands publicly in their status updates. All this does is beat our men down. I would go out on a limb and say some of these marriages are suffering because of the lack of respect and privacy given to their husbands. You don't have to be gushy and fake, but say something nice about your husband in public. Tell them about that mean lasagna he baked, or that he did all the laundry for you. Show the picture of the flowers he gave you or that one where he was playing lego with your son. Men notice it. And I promise you, it means something to them.
The next one was (and really still is) a work in progress for me. Nagging. Do you know one of the worst way we as women disrespect our husbands? We nag them....to death. Literally. I'm a nagger. I am not proud of it, but I am. I constantly work on being less bossy, and believe it or not I've come a long way. Talk about quickly emasculating our husbands. How easily we forget that we didn't marry a child (even if they act that way sometimes), but we married a man; a bonafide adult. Tom couldn't win in my house for a long time..."Do this....no not that way, this way." "When are you going to do this? I asked you 5 minutes ago?" "Don't eat that." "You're going to wear that out?" (Ok, he still gets this one from time to time.) The man couldn't do or not do anything without me giving an opinion, an order, or a suggestion to a better way in which to do it. And I will be honest, it was crushing our marriage. I can remember the look on his face when I nagged him to death and gave him no respect. I didn't trust him to make decisions or do things differently than I would want him to do them. I forgot that he had feelings too and maybe today he really didn't feel like doing this or that. Ladies, respect your men enough to treat them as adults and not children. Just the other day I caught myself questioning why Tom had 2 Gatorades in one day?? Especially the ones that he was supposed to take to work. I literally caught myself mid nag and thought...."SHUT UP. Who am I to tell this grown man, who works hard and provides for his family just how many Gatorades he can have in one day?" Like I said....a work in progress. Fight your battles. What's really important? If it is important, sit down like 2 adults and talk about it. If it's not important...let it go.
Just as our words can be used to tearing down, they can also be used for building up. One of the greatest ways we can respect our husbands is by telling them (and showing them) our gratitude. My husband, like many of your husbands I bet, has this lovely habit of leaving all his socks by his side of the bed which is covered by our bed so I don't see them there...until I've just finished all of the laundry. ;) So I went to him and asked him to work on it. (In a very NON-nagging way I am sure....) Anyways, the other day I did a bazillion loads of laundry. Just as I finished the last load I remembered the sock pandemic. I walked over to his side of the bed and you know what??? No socks! Not one. That night I thanked my husband for thinking of me. It's those little words that give our husbands great respect. Instead of pointing out what they do wrong, thank them for what they do right. Some days it might be hard, but find something to say thank you for. I have found that when I am showing gratitude for my husband, he is really more likely to try and be more loving and pleasing to me. You know why? He feels respected. A man who feels respected gives off respect and love. Use your words to build up your man.


Take some time this week to look at your marriage. Are you respecting your husband? Are there some areas you need to work on? What would you add to this list?
Come back tomorrow for my reflections on being a mom and the choices we make when we have children.....
Monday, February 24, 2014
7 Posts in 7 Days: Day 1 Girlfriends
If you're my friend on Facebook then you know this week we are combating sleep training with our little guy. It's time....but my it's stressful! So when I saw this challenge to blog for 7 days straight, I decided that that would be my reward for not giving up on sleep training each day. I am allowing myself some time for 7 days to sit down while Noah sleeps and write. Something I love to do. I've brewed myself a cup of coffee, gotten a Fiber One brownie, and snuggled up with my laptop. The perfect release.
This challenge is being put on by Jen at Conversion Diary so if you want to see other's post check out her page! Also, a shout out to my buddy Mary for getting me started on this adventure! Read her post on her call to Christians, especially Catholics! You'll love it! I wish I would've thought of it first!
I wanted to start off today by writing about something that has been on my heart this past week. I love learning about things. I was a teacher for almost 11 years so it's in my blood. But one thing I love learning about most is myself. I love to grow as a person, a woman, a wife, and most recently a mother. So that's what my 7 posts are going to be about this week. One each day on something I've learned about myself as it relates to this world. I hope that just maybe I can encourage some of you to grow too and take a deeper look at yourself.
This weekend I was working on my devotional for a Women's Fellowship I belong to that focused on the strength there is in friendships. As I completed it, I was so on fire to spread this message because it's exactly what has been on my heart this week.
Being a stay at home mom to a preemie, in Michigan, during the worst winter EVER (even the Weather Channel has officially given us permission to complain) I have been stuck indoors A LOT. I began to feel extremely isolated and craving interaction with others. Because Noah can't go a lot of places and many of my friends are busy with life and work, I began to go almost stir crazy craving interaction with others. Especially other women that I could relate to and share life with.
You see, for me, and I would go out on a limb and say for most of you too, you need friends. You need those people other than your husband and children for interaction on a somewhat regular basis. We all need that outlet. And if you are an extrovert and social butterfly like I am, you especially do. There is something so calming, so rewarding, so refocusing about a group of friends or even just one girlfriend. I can't speak for men, but it has been my experience that women need women.
Now, I should jump in here now and say that not all women are created equal. What I mean is, you need to find a friend or friends who breathe life into you. So many friends have a tendency to suck the energy from you that it isn't rewarding or building...it's work. That doesn't mean avoid friends with issues or problems, rather find that friend that you can be with that regardless of the situation when you leave you feel encouraged and that perhaps your heart is beating a little stronger because of the time you spent with her. I loved this quote about a good friend that I read in my book, "A good friend is one who trusts, understands, gives space, and is willing to speak honestly into your life. And if we can get to the place where we can truly serve others in love, as the Bible commands, we'll escape the traps of jealousy, betrayal, and anger that plague so many relationships." That's the kind of friendships we all desire, right? The kind where you can speak your true feelings and not risk being judged or betrayed?
Besides the women's fellowship I mentioned, I also am apart of a group of mostly women that have lost children that meets once a month. Now that may sound sad to many of you, and although some of us do cry each month, and there are moments of anger, I have found this group of women to be one of my greatest resources of strength and resolve these days. Parenting a child after losing a child is scary. In fact, we often tease that this is the best group we never wanted to be apart of. What I love about this group is that we all feel free to come and share openly and love each other openly. It's weird how tragedy has bound us together, but there are some women in that group I trust more than others I have known for years. I have left the past few months encouraged and feeling accepted something we as women all desire.
One place I have found support is online through social media. I think social media is a great outlet in this day and age to meet and talk with other women who share your common interests and what not. Especially for those with busy lives and little children it's nice to connect with others out there from the comfort of your own home in the middle of your own private chaos. BUT...and this is a BIG BUT (not to be confused with a BIG BUTT) as much as I love social media and I am thankful for it's impact in my life, I think it's very important to not let that be your only outlet with girlfriends. When we only connect with friends, as my devotional book suggests, on a social media level, we really lose the depth of our friendships, because as wonderful as it is, Facebook cannot compete with real FACE to FACE time. A cup of coffee, a walk around the neighborhood, a shopping trip...those are where friendships are strengthened and made deep.
So ladies let me encourage you today, if it's been awhile since you've had girl time....make it a priority! Even if you need to pop a movie in for your toddler while you and your friend talk over a cup of joe, or if it means staying out a little later so that you can listen to your friend and encourage her with her marriage or children. However you do it and wherever you do it....just do it! Spend some time with a friend who fills your cup, brings a smile to your face, and encourages you that you can make it one more day in this crazy world!
Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will be talking about this article written by Matt Walsh and what I have learned about husbands and marriage....
This challenge is being put on by Jen at Conversion Diary so if you want to see other's post check out her page! Also, a shout out to my buddy Mary for getting me started on this adventure! Read her post on her call to Christians, especially Catholics! You'll love it! I wish I would've thought of it first!
I wanted to start off today by writing about something that has been on my heart this past week. I love learning about things. I was a teacher for almost 11 years so it's in my blood. But one thing I love learning about most is myself. I love to grow as a person, a woman, a wife, and most recently a mother. So that's what my 7 posts are going to be about this week. One each day on something I've learned about myself as it relates to this world. I hope that just maybe I can encourage some of you to grow too and take a deeper look at yourself.
This weekend I was working on my devotional for a Women's Fellowship I belong to that focused on the strength there is in friendships. As I completed it, I was so on fire to spread this message because it's exactly what has been on my heart this week.

You see, for me, and I would go out on a limb and say for most of you too, you need friends. You need those people other than your husband and children for interaction on a somewhat regular basis. We all need that outlet. And if you are an extrovert and social butterfly like I am, you especially do. There is something so calming, so rewarding, so refocusing about a group of friends or even just one girlfriend. I can't speak for men, but it has been my experience that women need women.

Besides the women's fellowship I mentioned, I also am apart of a group of mostly women that have lost children that meets once a month. Now that may sound sad to many of you, and although some of us do cry each month, and there are moments of anger, I have found this group of women to be one of my greatest resources of strength and resolve these days. Parenting a child after losing a child is scary. In fact, we often tease that this is the best group we never wanted to be apart of. What I love about this group is that we all feel free to come and share openly and love each other openly. It's weird how tragedy has bound us together, but there are some women in that group I trust more than others I have known for years. I have left the past few months encouraged and feeling accepted something we as women all desire.
One place I have found support is online through social media. I think social media is a great outlet in this day and age to meet and talk with other women who share your common interests and what not. Especially for those with busy lives and little children it's nice to connect with others out there from the comfort of your own home in the middle of your own private chaos. BUT...and this is a BIG BUT (not to be confused with a BIG BUTT) as much as I love social media and I am thankful for it's impact in my life, I think it's very important to not let that be your only outlet with girlfriends. When we only connect with friends, as my devotional book suggests, on a social media level, we really lose the depth of our friendships, because as wonderful as it is, Facebook cannot compete with real FACE to FACE time. A cup of coffee, a walk around the neighborhood, a shopping trip...those are where friendships are strengthened and made deep.
So ladies let me encourage you today, if it's been awhile since you've had girl time....make it a priority! Even if you need to pop a movie in for your toddler while you and your friend talk over a cup of joe, or if it means staying out a little later so that you can listen to your friend and encourage her with her marriage or children. However you do it and wherever you do it....just do it! Spend some time with a friend who fills your cup, brings a smile to your face, and encourages you that you can make it one more day in this crazy world!
Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will be talking about this article written by Matt Walsh and what I have learned about husbands and marriage....
Friday, February 21, 2014
7 Quick Takes:Don't Get Blown Away!
Old Man Winter is throwing a new curve ball at us today...wind! Ugh, praying that we don't lose power. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, but UNCLE! You win Mother Nature! Now just claim your prize and get the heck out of dodge. (Or at least Michigan!) The three inches of slush I sloshed through in my tennis shoes yesterday, the ice that made walking anywhere treacherous, and the snow mound at the end of my driveway that I got stuck in...well, it's all just a bit too much! Move on!
Every single day I want to quit pumping. Like every time I pump, every single day. Then I look at that sweet little guy and I know breast milk is so good for him...especially during cold and flu season and so I get my little bottles, my pumping bra, and for 16 minutes several times a day I pump. But I hate it every single time. Just thought I would be real about it....
Let's be positive....one of my favorite things to do with Noah right now is read his books. He doesn't always pay attention, but I love thinking that we are starting his love of books and reading and building his vocabulary already! Maybe it's all in my head, but I love reading with him. His book shelf is shaping up nicely.
So, believe it or not, Lent 2014 is just around the corner! Yesterday, a friend of mine posted some non-food sacrifices to consider. Well, I think that's fantastic. I am always working on food intake and what not, but sometimes I feel like it's a cop out in Lent and not really a sacrifice for me (perhaps for all of you it is....no judgment.) I considered looking at my social media use...and I still might limit it, but I didn't feel like that was what I was supposed to do. But then I read his article and I got it! I've complained on here many times how much I hate doing the dishes...so for Lent this year, I am making myself do all the dishes each day before I go to bed. And each morning I have to empty the dish drain and dishwasher. It will be a challenge for me, but also better my life and my family's life. That's at least my sacrifice for Lent. I think some exercise and extra prayers (and by extra I mean taking a few minutes each day to actually start formally praying again...enter the Magnificat.)
Lent is my favorite season in the church calendar. It always challenges me to be a better person and a better Christian. I am not always successful with my Lenten offerings, but each year I strive to be better. I am praying for a successful Lent for all of you, too! What are you offering up this year?

After almost 35 years of living in this area I still love the Henry Ford Museum/Greenfield Village. I never get sick of going there! I am looking forward to this summer when Noah and I can go walk through the Village and be out in the sunshine! It's such a gem in our neck of the woods! Yesterday, we met some friends at the museum to walk around and get some lunch. Noah loved looking at the lights and strolling around in his stroller. (We all miss our daily walks we had whilst in the Sunshine State.) I imagine it's going to be one of his favorite places for years to come!
Speaking of places to go....what's your favorite places to take your little ones? We already plan to get a zoo pass this summer as another cool place to walk around, but what else is good for little guys? After being stuck on the couch all last summer and stuck in the house during this crappy winter we are getting out!! I plan to spend as much time outside as possible. We are getting a lot of use out of our overpriced baby paraphernalia! We are breaking that stroller in!!
In 2 months I am going to be 35 years old. I can't believe it. Older and I hope at least a little bit wiser. It feels like just yesterday I turned 30 and yet so much has changed in the last 5 years. Met this guy, decided to marry him, moved in with him (marriages work best if you are under the same roof), birthed 2 children, had to say goodbye to one, survived the NICU with the next...I kind of hope the next 5 years are maybe just a little calmer, but that just as much good will come out of it! Next up 40! Yikes!
Old Man Winter is throwing a new curve ball at us today...wind! Ugh, praying that we don't lose power. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, but UNCLE! You win Mother Nature! Now just claim your prize and get the heck out of dodge. (Or at least Michigan!) The three inches of slush I sloshed through in my tennis shoes yesterday, the ice that made walking anywhere treacherous, and the snow mound at the end of my driveway that I got stuck in...well, it's all just a bit too much! Move on!
Every single day I want to quit pumping. Like every time I pump, every single day. Then I look at that sweet little guy and I know breast milk is so good for him...especially during cold and flu season and so I get my little bottles, my pumping bra, and for 16 minutes several times a day I pump. But I hate it every single time. Just thought I would be real about it....
Let's be positive....one of my favorite things to do with Noah right now is read his books. He doesn't always pay attention, but I love thinking that we are starting his love of books and reading and building his vocabulary already! Maybe it's all in my head, but I love reading with him. His book shelf is shaping up nicely.
So, believe it or not, Lent 2014 is just around the corner! Yesterday, a friend of mine posted some non-food sacrifices to consider. Well, I think that's fantastic. I am always working on food intake and what not, but sometimes I feel like it's a cop out in Lent and not really a sacrifice for me (perhaps for all of you it is....no judgment.) I considered looking at my social media use...and I still might limit it, but I didn't feel like that was what I was supposed to do. But then I read his article and I got it! I've complained on here many times how much I hate doing the dishes...so for Lent this year, I am making myself do all the dishes each day before I go to bed. And each morning I have to empty the dish drain and dishwasher. It will be a challenge for me, but also better my life and my family's life. That's at least my sacrifice for Lent. I think some exercise and extra prayers (and by extra I mean taking a few minutes each day to actually start formally praying again...enter the Magnificat.)
Lent is my favorite season in the church calendar. It always challenges me to be a better person and a better Christian. I am not always successful with my Lenten offerings, but each year I strive to be better. I am praying for a successful Lent for all of you, too! What are you offering up this year?

After almost 35 years of living in this area I still love the Henry Ford Museum/Greenfield Village. I never get sick of going there! I am looking forward to this summer when Noah and I can go walk through the Village and be out in the sunshine! It's such a gem in our neck of the woods! Yesterday, we met some friends at the museum to walk around and get some lunch. Noah loved looking at the lights and strolling around in his stroller. (We all miss our daily walks we had whilst in the Sunshine State.) I imagine it's going to be one of his favorite places for years to come!

In 2 months I am going to be 35 years old. I can't believe it. Older and I hope at least a little bit wiser. It feels like just yesterday I turned 30 and yet so much has changed in the last 5 years. Met this guy, decided to marry him, moved in with him (marriages work best if you are under the same roof), birthed 2 children, had to say goodbye to one, survived the NICU with the next...I kind of hope the next 5 years are maybe just a little calmer, but that just as much good will come out of it! Next up 40! Yikes!
Friday, February 7, 2014
7 Quick Takes: Olympics' version
In just a few minutes the winter Olympics' opening ceremonies will be begin! I love the Olympics! Kind of interesting since I am really not very athletic by nature, but there is something about the Olympics that I just love. Maybe it's the pomp and circumstance, watching the underdog come to victory, watching the figure skaters fall (sorry, my dad and I always laugh together...not nice, I know) But whatever it is...I just love it! I can't wait to see it all unfold. The next 2 weeks I will watch more TV than usual. I can't wait!!!
Speaking of Olympics...today I did something I haven't done in a long, long time. I walked over a mile! After a crazy pregnancy that kept me on the couch or in a hospital bed for over 6 months and then the winter from hell my activity level hasn't existed. I snuck a walk in with my parents' dog while visiting them and my goodness...it felt SO GOOD! I cannot wait for the weather to break and for Noah and I to hit the streets. I am looking forward to trips to walk through Greenfield Village and around our neighborhood. I am really looking forward to becoming active again and shedding a few pounds. I suppose it's my Olympic sport...mama gets healthy!
We noticed Noah's weight gain had slowed down at his last doctor's appointment. We had to make the decision to start giving Noah some formula each day to bulk up his calories and keep our little boy growing. It was a hard decision for us, but a necessary decision because he can't take more volume right now for some reason, but he needs more calories than my breast milk can give him right now. It has been both a good and bad thing. The good thing is that Noah is sleeping a bit better because he's not as hungry. The bad news is that our little guy has a bit of trouble with his diapers because of the formula being a little more difficult to digest. I have never been that person who felt that formula is evil, but I wanted to give Noah breast milk for as long possible. This was a good lesson for me in being flexible and being open to what is best for Noah. We all strive to be the best mom we can be, but sometimes you just feel like maybe you are failing your child.
I noticed this week that 80% of the pictures I take of Noah are when he is sleeping. I think there is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby. I especially think there is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby that sleeps during the night. (One day...right??)
How about those Facebook videos released this week? I really enjoyed watching the minute long reflections of each of my friend's journey as revealed by Facebook. I cried through mine and teared up through several of my friends. I think it was touching to see some of my friend's journeys over the last 5 or so years...especially those friends who I knew carried heavy crosses, awesome success, or anything in between. Looking at all the children grow up over the years and some of us even grew a little older. Anyways, say what you like about social media and Facebook, but I loved these videos. I love watching all of your stories as told by your posts.
Back to the Olympics...I am appalled by the revelation that something like 85% of Russians consider themselves homophobic and there is such strong anti-gay legislation in this country. It doesn't matter if you feel the gay lifestyle is right or wrong, what sticks out to me is that a country in which many are encouraged to be atheists there is so much hatred going around for one group of people. Again, it doesn't matter if you agree with some one's lifestyle or not, if you are a person of faith (christian or otherwise) most faiths encourage us to love a person for who they are. No group of people should be treated with such hatred and dislike.
Last thought about the Olympics....what is up with those outfits the Americans are sporting???? Sorry Ralph Lauren....U G L Y!!
GO Team USA!!!! Take home gold and be safe!!!
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