Friday, March 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 4 Babysitting Edition

It's Friday at 9am and I am sitting down to write my 7 quick takes.  It's been a long week.  I have watched in total 6 children this week and the only day I was without children was Monday, so needless to say this "mom in training" is tired!  I decided to do a little change up with my 7 takes today.  These 7 Quick Takes are really titled 7 things I learned about motherhood this week!


Being a mom is hard work and you are BUSY!  This week I recognized quickly how your "being connected" goes down the tubes.  Normally, I can pick up my phone, open up my computer, make a call to my mom or friend, and play a game on my iPad whenever I choose.  Yes, I do do other things, but I am pretty "connected."  (Maybe too connected...)  Kids change that.  I have checked my Facebook A LOT less this week, made fewer calls, and have forgotten to get back to people.  I guess I should be less annoyed when my friends with kids don't answer the phone or are short winded.  I understand when you are making headbands or rocking a fussy baby, nothing else is as important.


Kids are messy!  I have never claimed to be the housekeeper of the year, but I have really been trying to do a better job at it!  With kids around it's like the perfect storm.  Man, they can rip apart a house in no time!  Oh and the crumbs!!  I have swept a million times this week!  I understand why moms cringe when the kids want to play with Play Doh now.  I understand why eating needs to be done in the dining room only and definitely not in rooms with carpet or upholstery. 


Kids are funny...downright hilarious, in fact!  My niece, who is 3, was cracking me up all week!  She mirrors me, but for some reason it sounds so funny coming out of the mouth of a 3 year old.  My other niece, is in 4th grade, and she has recently figured out her sense of humor and she not only understands sarcasm and jokes, but she makes them well too!  She was laughing so hard last night when the 2 of us were driving that it was making me laugh.  All of the kids I had this week made me laugh, like really laugh, at some point this week. 


Kids waste food A LOT!  I have to learn to give smaller portions and listen to what kids really like, because if not, they tend to waste food.  And it makes me crazy!  Don't they know how much food costs these days??  I think this is a learning curve for me.  A good lesson to learn.

((Baby wakes up...too early....enter blogging interlude here....)


When you are a mom you hear everything.  Last night, Tom and I got in bed and we were snuggling a bit before falling asleep and suddenly we heard the slightest noise downstairs and we both stopped breathing so we could hear better?  Luckily, it was just the cat, but I was amazed how astute my hearing became.  Especially with having a bungalow, I always worry if I am going to be able to hear our children sleeping downstairs, but I think my "mom hearing" is already coming in.


Speaking of my husband, my favorite person to talk about, I am convinced (if I wasn't already) that he is going to be a WONDERFUL father.  This morning we had to tag team.  I had to take my niece and nephew to school and our 5.5 month "niece" had to stay with Uncle Tom.  He assured me that he "had this" and I pulled out of the driveway a little nervous.  When I got back she was half asleep in Uncle Tom's arms, while he was singing "You are My Sunshine" to her.  My heart gushed and my eyes teared up a bit.  It was the sweetest moment I had ever seen.   This was after last night I got a little peek into our future when he gave our nephew a practice spelling test while I took my niece to dance, and when I returned they were battling each other in some game on their handhelds.  (We will ignore the fact that it was after bedtime for now...)  Anyways, I KNOW that he is going to be a great dad!  I am blessed!


Nap times are like gold.  And anyone who wakes a sleeping baby will suffer the consequences.  I love looking in on a sleeping babe.  There is nothing more peaceful than that.  (Plus it allows you to write blogs, instead of cleaning house....)  :)

Well folks, that's all for now!  It's been a tiring week, but a good week!  Tom and I have been given the all clear to start trying for another baby and hope that God will bless us sooner than later with our own tribe to love and care for.  For now, it's good to practice!!  Happy Friday to you all!!

Closing thoughts I read on Facebook this week:
Good moms breastfeed.
Good moms formula feed.
Good moms vaccinate their kids.
Good moms don't vaccinate their kids.
Good moms co-sleep.
Good moms use cribs.
Good moms have hospital births.
Good moms have home births.
Good moms adopt.
Good moms have natural births.
Good moms have epidurals.
Good moms have c-sections.
Good moms have 10 kids.
Good moms have 1 kid .
Good moms use cloth diapers.
Good moms use disposable diapers. 

 I always see moms putting each other down over these things all the time. I've even participated in it. But I've realized that an intelligent, loving mother can consider the same facts as you and still come to a different conclusion. I know we're all only human, but let's learn to respect each other.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that last thing you posted.
    And all of those lessons are so true. Especially the messes and the naps. my gosh, I hate the messes. It is super impossible to even keep my house presentable at this point. And, I live for nap time!

  2. Ok, even I teared up at #6!! And ditto what Mary said. Now you know why we don't have you over more often and why my phone is never near me! ;) Lastly, mommy wars are stupid. If you're actually harming your child, that's one thing, but all these debates drive me crazy because all it does is lead one set of moms to doubt and fret, which we do w/o mommy wars already... Hugs to you!!
