Friday, March 22, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Take 5 1/2

TGIF!!! We've made it through another week, but we have survived! If you read my previous blog this week "In this Corner.." you know it's been a week of personal change and humility for me, so making it to Friday is a triumph!!


I have to admit something to you all. I have an obsession. I am a bit embarrassed and many of my friends can relate, but I can't get enough of Candy Crush! I can't believe it! I am not a gamer, never owned a video game in my life, but I cannot get enough of this silly game! My husband says I need to go to CCA, "Candy Crush Anonymous." It's bad! Oh well, I guess it could be worse, and right now I am stuck on a ridiculously hard level. It may push me over the edge.


I love our new Pope. He really cracks me up! Tom and I share nightly what the Pope did today to shake up the world and his security detail that day. It's great! I don't know if the Vatican was ready for Francis, but I think they are quickly learning. He's fabulous!! Rise up church, it's time for change, just not the change all the media expected!


I really need to give a shout out to a few select girlfriends of mine. I always knew I had the greatest friends, but this week I am keenly aware of just how wonderful they really are. Again, I shared earlier this week that I am going through some dark and difficult times in my life, but second to my husband, my girlfriends have been my rocks this week. The calls, texts, posts, shopping trips...they are there for me. I am so glad to have them. I can't imagine surviving life without them. I love you girls! (You know who you are!!)


My husband bought me a fancy bluetooth keyboard to use with my iPad. I love it! I can blog from here and don't have to get out my laptop. It's interesting to me that even getting out a laptop these days is slightly inconvenient. I fear we have become a fully Apple family. I am not sure if that's really cool or not. We will see..


This week I have been working on getting my prayer life back in order. It's a challenge for me, but so, so necessary. Thankfully, my friend and spiritual advisor gave me a great and simple game plan to get started. Back to baby steps...but back at it. I am falling in love with our Lord all over again. It's nice to be in His presence once again.


My friend, Jen, has a serious fear that I will one day become the cat lady. Weekly she reminds me that I better not start dressing my cat or adopting others by the cart load, but truth be told, I really love our cat. She cracks me up, makes me smile, and in some ways is my closest confidant these days. I know, that sounds really crazy, and maybe some of her concerns are valid, but my cat makes me smile. She's sassy, cuddly, and funny! All great qualities.


This weekend Tom and I get to attend a conference for Young Adults (yes, we are slowly aging out of this bracket, but we are squeezing in one more time..) I cannot wait to see some great friends, grow in our faith, and get away from it all for a few days! It's just what the doctor ordered! Pray for us that we both will be touched this weekend and will grow closer to God and to each other.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks!! Maybe next week I can write about how Spring actually is coming and we are enjoying the warm breezes and sweet can dream, right?


  1. I love how honest you are in your blog. The blog you wrote the other day, really touched my heart in terms of understanding grief. Just letting you know that my family will be praying for years as you approach your sweet baby boy's due date. and the pope? CANNOT get enough of that guy!

  2. Thanks. Blogging is so therapeutic for me. Some may think that I am too honest and forthcoming, but I like sharing myself with others. Thanks for your prayers and validation. It means a lot.
